
Selecting a subtool

How do I select a subtool for a diferent material than the other subtool? Selecting a subtool in the subtool place, how do I do it step by step. Thanksztools

Hi @Cris2020

Filling each subtool with a different material and color

Buttons at the top of canvas

Mrgb - Select this if you want to fill the subtool with material and color.

Rgb - Select this if you want to fill the subtool with color only.

M - Select this if you want to fill the subtool with material only.

  1. Select the subtool you want to fill.

  2. Select either Mrgb,Rgb or M (as above).

  3. Select either your color or material or both, depending on what you want to do, from the Material palette and Color icon.

  4. Go to ‘Color’ menu and click ‘FillObject’.

Now select another subtool, and another material and color, and the first one you filled will remain with the material and color you assigned to it.

Note: After it’s filled, you can begin to polypaint the subtool also.

Hi and thanks.
My question was especific to these small things at subtool. Could you see the image I loaded? there are my questions.
Because I did assign the Material/ color too white for the face. Now I wish to assign the MATERIAL Plastic Toy for the subtool> Eyes. That is my problem: doing so all comes to be Material Plastic, and the frist material for the face vanishes…
Thanks very muchztools

The meaning of those symbols can be found in the online docs regarding subtools.

The answer I gave you the first time explains how to apply different materials to different subtools. I couldn’t have been any more clearer. It might be that you need to familiarize yourself with the Basic Concepts first to get a better understanding of the way ZBrush works. If none of those things work for you, then you may need to contact Pixologic Support.

No doubts! You’ re right. I have to familiarize to ZBrush.
I’ m still very anxious…
Thanks a lot.


The best way for you to learn ZBrush is to start watching tutorials and following along and actually doing what is being taught. Spyndel has already pointed this out to you in this post. There are lots of tutorials on You Tube. If you don’t, then you are only going to make it more difficult for yourself. It might also help to use Google Translate to help you to convey your questions more clearly (Também pode ser útil usar o Google Tradutor para ajudar você a transmitir suas perguntas com mais clareza.).

More links…

Ask ZBrush You Tube playlist.

ZBrush You Tube tutorials.

Thanks for the advise. Will do it.