
seanGH's sketchbook

This is looking great! Cant wait to see more :slight_smile:

I personally don’t see a point of making a stylized skeleton with stylized muscles. You’ll kinda get the half knowledge. Otherwise it looks cool so far.

Thanks Nicolas.

Thanks /idkfa. I understand your concern but I hope that the abstraction of a stylized ecorche will help me better understand the shape of the bones and muscles. It is also closer to the type of sculpture I want to do and it will hopefully be easier to pose and adjust the proportions for different body types. Furthermore, whether simplified or more realistic, such an exercice will help me learn the many bones of the skeleton as well as the muscles and their origin and insertion points.

Well, if you think that you are improving then nothing else matters.
Talking in general, imo if you study “stylized anatomy” there is a risk of learning something
that is close to the “original”, but not quite the same.

The reality is that BOTH categories need to be studied. Anatomy on human and animal forms are vastly too complex to retain WITHOUT developing simplified methods to remember and build towards the more complex from. Hell, my whole art life has been spent on analyzing these complexities and trying to “see” the easiest methods of simplifying them. It’s this fun and (seemingly) never ending puzzle. :slight_smile:

Thanks Arthaven. Could not have said it better.

Added shoulder and upper arm muscles…


amazing! congrats! keep it up :slight_smile:
btw what materials are you using? skeleton one looks great!

I like the way you´re pulling it off, cool!

best regards,

Thanks anibalin. I used MatCap Skeleton for the bones and MatCap Red Wax for the muscles.

Thanks FĂĄbio.

Added simplified forearm muscles…


And now the upper leg muscles…


This is turning out great, keep going, I bet you are learning a ton. Makes me think I need to try this at least once, to understand the proper interleaving of muscles and bone.

Dude, that’s sick. What lessons are you following exactly? I’m sure this is helping you out alot. Keep it up.

Cool, really dig your stylized approach! :+1:

As do I. Styled, yet believable.

Thanks Cloudrid3r. It is indeed a very helpful exercice.

Thanks Louis. I wish I could have attended Ryan Kingslien’s anatomy class but I am not following any particular tutorial. I just use some anatomy books (Gottfried Bammes, Thieme Atlas of Anatomy etc…) and Ryan’s ecorche ztl as a guide.

Thanks Santis.

Thanks Jerick.

I can just concur with santis, really fantastic work on your anatomy study! That will definantly help you so much man!:+1:
Keep it going and looking forward seeing the end result!

  • Kenny :slight_smile:

Thanks Kenny.

Added the lower leg muscles. I may still change some details but the ecorche is more or less finished. Here is a picture of the whole ecorche…


Waw very cleann and well executed…

Nice stuffs…