
Sculptris Alpha 6: It's HERE!

@ Muddpitt:
What dosent it like about triangles?

My mesh looks “old” when goz’d back to zbrush and its not easy to work on.

Congratulations on the first real big step!

I am so happy to see some Mac users work in the future.
I am sure it will be fun for many, many people.
And more talents will make the step into 3D sculpting because of sculptris very intuitive interface.

Tris and Quads.
There are some month left to talk about this.
Finally it will be solved.
Pixologic will take their time to show something outstanding.

I can understand that some of the zBrush users are asking for the use.
If they are very good in zBrush they don’t really need sculptris.
But give it a try and you will love it.

And those who are uncertain of sculptris use, will soon start to doodle around during meetings and telephone calls. Creating 3d sketches on the fly.

Thanks to Pixologic for developing this nice software instead of eating it.

@Muddpitt, MealeaYing
A simple solution for the moment, the quasi autoretopo

At least it eliminates this cottage cheese issue.

I woke up in the morning and felt compelled to check ZbC before I head out. The whole day all I did was think about using this. My dreams are coming true. Can’t wait to do some stuff.

Thanks for this! Dr Petter!
The whole interface seems to be darker than the last version.
I guess its going the zbrush way.I figured out how to change the background. But the brush buttons are a bit dark for my liking.I found the data folder with all the icon pngs.Am I correct in thinking that if I change the colour of the png in photoshop and swap them out, as long as they have the same name will that be ok. I dont want to break anything! Anyone know which one the button background is.

Wow, what an awesome day! The beta version of my Maya Retopology tool, RetopoG is almost ready, and now I get a new Version of Sculptris to test it out with.

On second thought, this could turn into quite the distraction ;).

thnx for this Pixologic,wow:lol:

Cool cool cool

And you’re just giving it away for us to play with :+1:

Installed, ran, crashed system. I never got that with the old version. I’m going to stick to the old one, or just 3d coat and Zbrush until this is fixed.

Plus, I’m still getting these faults in the mesh. Looks like it’s happening even more with this version.

Plus (I hate to dump on this program, I’m still very jazzed about it overall) I loved the old version that didn’t require an installation. My students could run it in a lab straight off their flash drives, and I didn’t need to involve IT, which is a real pain. I guess that version is fine, and works great for now as a sketching tool to rough out the mesh.

Add a good topology tool and this will be a fantastic addition!



Cheers Pixo!!! loving it already:)

Many thanks! :slight_smile:


I filled out the form with my email & other info to get the email on how to download Sculptris, but I haven’t received the email! I evn tried it with a different email address. Help!

Thank you very much!

I see what you mean, but the funny thing is I have always liked that so I dident notice what you were talking about, I do that to stuff deliberately!
On of my favorite things about 3D stuff is that it looks 3D, and in some cases making the wireframe stand out is GOOD (to me anyway, I understand why it drives others nuts but as you pointed out Michalis; its fixable.)
So far everything is working perfectly now that I got GoZ working, and I am totally ecstatic, this is a wonderful thing.

And now back to mashing blobs into mush!

I love it…maybe this is already possible as I’ve only given it a cursory run through but it would be really nice to be able to customize the interface. I’m right handed and it’s counter-intuitive for me to reach diagonally across the screen for the controls, despite the spacebar menu. I like the way ZB lets one control the interface and that same flexibility would be great. Otherwise, I’m loving this. The dynamic tessellation reminds me of the fluidity of creating voxel geometry in FreeForm. I’ve barely tried 3D coat but have 10 plus years with FF. If booleans can’t be added to ZB, maybe they could be incorporated here and one could GoZ back and forth between the two? Sculptors working for 3D printing need that type of engineering functionality.

What’s the typical delay between filling submitting the form, and getting a download link? It’s been some time now, and I was wondering when I should start to worry?

[edit] NM. It seems “15 minutes” is the answer.

Wow, I bout wet my pants. It works on my old laptop. And works great. Was never able to run the previous versions.
Thank you so much…Will this stay free? If not, that’s OK. I will buy it.

hehehe… and I was going to say about 12 seconds