
ScribeChisel Brush acting weird

Hello Guys,

My ScribeChisel Brush won’t sculpt directly, I will have to draw the curve first then pull the curve, and then the result will show up.

Plus, I saw people use ScribeChisel brush with interpolation together.

However, my ScribeChiesel brush can not work with interpolation.

Does anyone know what causing this?

My Zbrush version is the latest 2024.1.


When I uninstall the latest version and go back to 2023.1.

It is working…

But I still want to know what causing this…

Hi @t0047488

Posting this in this forum might not get you an answer. It would be better if you reported this to Maxon Support. The devs might not be aware that the problem exists and maybe should be made aware of it.

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Thank you for the advice!

I will.