
Sci-Fi Helmet Concept

My first try at sculpting hard surface in ZBrush.
It is a sci-fi suit for a human-like alien.

Welcome to ZBrushCentral, what a great start and first try in doing hardsurface sculpting inside of zbrush. :wave:small_orange_diamond:+1:
Really interesting design, epescially the front view, can I ask you did you create all of these alphas to create them on your model? Aswell as what renderer did you use to create the final images?

You propably have seen this from a really great friend and hardsurface Artist CKI Vang who was attending two years ago to present hardsurface techniques at the ZBrush Summit 2017.

There are also many Tutorials and useful Tips and Tricks on the ZClassroom Website

Looking forward in seeing more hardsurface work from you.

Happy sculpting

Kenny :slight_smile: