
Scared Silly Entry by Steve Brook

So heres my idea, thought I’d stick my oar in

A devil dragging his son along while his son is dressed up in a snowman outfit, the devil has a angry look on his face while the child looks worried.

The style of the characters will be similar to the incredibles look, concept work to come.

Software: As I’m pretty new to Zbrush still, gonna keep everything in zbrush and as I only have access to zbrush, now I haven’t got a choice, could use paintbrush as well I suppose lol

Are you playing off the phrase “a snowball’s chance in hell”? “snowman” must be more common in your region, but I’ve never heard it that way. I guess the point comes across regardless.

But if that wasn’t the joke, why not dress the son up as something more upsetting to the devil? (I’m thinking fake wings and a taped-on halo)

Wasn’t aiming for that joke, never actually heard that one before, however the wing and halo idea are interesting although the devil is going to have wings so might be tricky getting the point across.

Snowman was just about the only thing that I thought would look funny, however first idea was him wearing a superman costume.

That could be interesting. :+1:

i like this idea, sounds like it will be cute, i picture the snow man suit catchin on fire because of the kids devil heat. good luck.

Well not really done anything with this idea, totally stuck on even trying to create a good base mesh.

Been watching every video I can to try and learn Zbrush

Think its beaten me so pulling out of comp and pushing zbrush to the side