
Scared silly entry by Peter Butler

Here you can see one of the houses that’s in the background. I just made a simple mesh , took a photo of a house, if they saw they probably wondered why the hell I was taking pictures of their house…but anyway I took a picture and pretty much planner mapped it straight on. I had to correct a few bits in photoshop but I wasn’t too bothered as it’s in the background.

Oh and also there’s a pic of the illumination map which lit up the windows.







And here’s a bike. I tried to keep it pretty simple as again it’s in the background. Theres actually two bikes in the scene, I didn’t have time to make a whole new one so I cheated and just changed the colour, well maybe they were such good friends they just had to have the same bike!

I only put one simple texture on the tyres so that they would catch the light better. Apart from that it was just basic shaders.

Pete B




Hey Fizzy, why not post your final image here now the forums are unlocked again. This was great work and deserves to be shown off. :smiley:

Hey Dustbin. I didn’t realise that these forms were open again. Yeah I’ll post it up now. I’m really glad Pixologic have opened these up again it means everyone can chat about they’re experience.

I am actually going to refine this mage and put some stuff I just didn’t have time to. But for now here’s the final Scared silyl entry,

Pete B

