
Scared silly entry by Peter Butler

Hey thanks for the replies guys. I’m working on the scenery at the moment and a few props. I’ll post some stuff up in a couple of hours as I’m at work at the moment :frowning:

I’ve noticed that a lot of people have posted up their work flow and a lot more on their progression. The reaso I haven’t is simply because I’ve been too busy trying to get it done to actually stop :). I promise I’ll post some stuff up soon though including where I’m going with the actual scenery.

Many thanks for your support.

Pete B

Wow, thats looking really sweet, those monsters are so cool and well done, love the ripped shirt/shorts, looks good :smiley: cant wait for the final

Ok sorry i didn’t post earlier. I have a lot more things now but this whole project has ended up on about 3 different machines so for now I’ll just have to show you the stuff I’ve got here at home. I’ll post the other stuff up tomorrow… second to last day.

Here’s some body parts and guts. The idea being that the big blue monster (Rompy) is holding the leg behind his back so the woman can’t see.

There’s also a render of some guts. I’m not sure if this is abit sick or not so I don’t know if to put it in the scene. But if I do it will be in the background.

There’s also a shoe which is going to be haning out of Rakijak’s (The little one) mouth by the shoe laces that have got caught around his teeth.

I’ve also made some background houses. These were going to be more of a “if I get time” thing but I got into a situation where I couldn’t finish any other bits at this moment in time so I thought I’d have a go at making these. I’m glad I did, I really enjoyed making them. As much as I love Zbrush it’s sometimes nice to do a bit of box modelling :slight_smile:

And that’s about it for now. I have the main scene at work with a few other props. I’ll post them up sometime tomorrow.

Time for bed…again! These days are gone too fast :slight_smile:

Pete B








those images look good … good luck :+1:

Thanks Nightwoodwolf I’ll post some more up later today.

Pete B

Ewwww! Like the guts! The monsters are looking great!

Sneakpeak at the layout of the scene.




I can see this is going to be awsome fizzy, the bikes and the torn up body parts are worng and funny at the same time.

You doing and all nighter to get this done?

Hey Dustbin. I’ve just finished one of the monsters, he’s rendering now and I have the background ready to go. Still need to add a final touch to the little guy and then it’s just rending them out.

Need sleep now. I’m stil at work and people are going to start coming in soon. I really need sleep though so might just see if I can get few hours before coming back in for work . Not sure they’ll pleased to know why I didn’t get any sleep :slight_smile:

Pete B

Ok, well I left this rendering at 7 this morning but the guy who’s machine I was using (he’s the only one with a copy of Modo 301) had to stop it when he came in as he needed to get on with work. So this is the first character almost done. Going to render the rest of him in a bit.

Then obvioulsy the others tonight.

Pete B




Hahaha I love how cute he’s trying to look, while holding a torn apart limb behind his back!

Hey thanks Dustbin1. I;m actually quite pleased with his expression. It’s suprising what a difference it makes when you add eyes. Even though in the sculpt I had spheres to represent them you never really know what emotion they’re going to bring.

I’m a bit worried that it might be a little too twisted, what do you reckon?

I’m getting worried I’m not going to get it done in time. I can’t start till about 7 tonight as that’s when the other guy leaves work. While I’m waiting about I’ll post up a lot of the props I made, something to keep me busy.

Hey good work on the tilers by the way, glad you added the reflection and shadows, really connects the whole scene. So you all done now watching from the side lines as some of us struggle to finish :slight_smile:

Pete B

Trouble is my sense of humour is already quite twisted, as you can tell from my entry. So I find this whole concept really funny.

Possibly the kids bikes are little too far, people can get funny about it sometimes.

Keep the limb behind his back. That’s funny!

I did thik that which is why they’re more mountain bikes as I was thinking along the lines of those annoying teenagers you get who throw eggs.

I have actually got a pumpkin basket with sweets spilt across the drive which I guess is probably going against this line of thought so maybe I should replace it with some eggs as if the kids were going to throw them befor egetting eating…so in a way the monsters have done the woman a favour…well in till they eat her that is.

I really don’t know I really just want to go with it as it is. I wish everyone had my twisted sense of humour :frowning:

Pete B

Fizzy, here’s the best advice I could give:


If you worry about it appealing to others, then it looses your style and sense of humour. I made you paranoid about the bikes. I still think it’s a great concept and certainly will fit the competition, and the trick or treat basket is a god idea.

I was worried people would get offeneded at my entry at first, but then I thought, what the hell, I’m doing this for me and the sillyness of the comp, and I no don’t regret it.

If you cut bits out to keep people happy you’ll regret it later!

honestly keep it as is, in my opinion it’s all good. :smiley: :+1:

Cheers I really appreciate your feedback.
The way I see it is art is art and if it creates different reactions to different people then I guess it’s done it’s job. Like someone here just told me. How the person reacts says more about them then the work itself.

Pete B

That’s the spirit, and I fully agree. Now back to it! <whip crack>!!! :wink:

Sorry, I’m just iching to see this one complete, if you work so far is anything to go by it’s going to be a good’n!! :+1:

Well I don’t know if you’re still up Dustbin but I’m almost done. I wanted to post some more bits and pieces but the computer is too busy rendering.

It’s been a really hard slog. There’s been moments of fear, joy and quite alot of swearing but I’m really glad I entered this competition. It’s weird as I’m sure Zbrush and many other sites run these competitions a lot so it’s probably true of all of them but I really felt a great community spirit on this one.

I just think it’s really funny thinking of all of us all around the world rushing to get this finished.

I should have my final piece up in the next hour or so. I don’t actually knwo how I’ve kept going today, I think I’ve had about 3 hours sleep in the last 48 hours. I have a feeling this weekend is going to be a nice relaxing one…well except for all the fireworks.

Pete B

Right well while I’m waiting for it to render some final bits out I thought instead of looking aimlessly at the screen I’d use this time to do something constructive so I thought I’d just post up some stuff to show how I done some of the things in my scene…not that you’ve actually seen it yet.

Anyway so here goes.

First of all here’s some pics of some leaves I made for the drive way. All they are are a flat plane with some textures and normal maps on.




Here is a one of the trees in the near background. Again all it is is a flat plane with a colour, diffuse and normal map on.



