
Scared Silly Entry by Mark Johnson (Dustbin1_uk)

hey thanks for the advice on that one Soulreaver! That’s really made a big difference!

Could have saved me an hour or so if I had used that to begin with! :o

I guess that’s why I am doing this, to learn! :smiley: :wink:

Don’t supose anyone knows why sometimes when I try and move a ZSpere branch, my model flips to a random location on the screen and the rotate point is way out.

I have to press the A key and flip to preview and back again to cure it! It’s blooming annoying!

Hey man, funny idea for a image :smiley: um i think it could turn out really cool, one tiny suggestion: maybe try a couple of different camera angles/compositions cos every thing seem rather small and i think it would be better if the image puts more focus on the guys shocked expression :slight_smile: coming along nicely man!

Thanks mate.

Indeed, I’ll be making several angles to see what works well.

Just working on the sculpt of the man I am now calling Scared Sam.

Will post as soon as he is in a reasonable state. :slight_smile:


Great and ambitious concept.

I know your still very early in the sculpting, but have you considered making the human’s hands as separate meshes, then attaching them as subtools and painting over the seams with the 2.5D tools. It might save you some headaches and allow for much higher polycounts / smoother sculpting.

Anyway, congratulations on a strong start. :slight_smile:

I’d extend that idea to say “make the whole arm as a seperate mesh”, because:

  1. he’s wearing a shirt, so there’s no trouble covering seams, and

  2. the one you already built for your monster should adapt nicely. (clone it and mirror for the other side…)

this is going to be a very funny one, nice idea… i think this happend to me once…:wink:

Cheers guys,

Good idea separating the limbs, I was already thinking about doing that with the head too. His expression is important and getting higher polycount will help that.

In fact I may also do that with the feet, I was considering giving Scared Sam sandals, just to add to the comic value.

As for recycling the ghoulish arm, well, I have since learnt a better way to make an arm than I used for the ghoulish hand and will probably use that for Scared Sam’s limbs.

My only concern is making the toilet! :confused: I don’t want to cheat and download a ready made one. Making it myself should be a challenge. Just have to figure it out. :wink:

Anyway, will post with an image in the next couple of days.

Funny idea! I like how the arm wants a treat, hehe.

dustbin1_uk - let`s exchange some toilet making-ofz hahaha!


Dustbin1_uk I don’t see this concept as a small hallway, good luck :smiley:

A little bit of sculpting on Sam. Not much done yet but you get the idea. :confused:

I know, I know, the legs look funny and so does the neck. :cry: I need to work on that.

The head is going to disapear and be modeled as a sub-tool.

Proportions look a bit funny, but Sam is going to have cartoon like features when he is done.

The mirror.

When your scene is finished, barring the mirror glass reflection, clone-combine all the elements of the scene except for the mirror and wall and scale the result on the X axis by minus one; mirroring the scene for real!

The reflection object will only show up in the ‘mirror glass’ hole, as the rest of it will be hidded behind the mirror frame and wall.

You could try sketching a few different compositions. It might be just me, but there seems to be a lot of dead space in your picture: you could pull all the required elements closer together and get a more close-up shot.

Edit: To be honest, if you go for a tighter, cropped shot you’ll do away with the need for the mirror entirely. You could tell the story with just the bog; the arm and bucket; and the man’s body from the knees up. You don’t have to model the shoes!

Good luck!


Thanks Rory! Great advice! :+1:

Here is some work I have done on sculpting Sam’s face. Not bad seeing as I have never done that before. Oh and I made it fom scratch using a simple poly sphere too!

Obviously I still need to do some work on the head. Hair I think will need to be done in GIMP (spent all my money on ZBrush so can’t afford Photoshop yet;) ). Did I mention I’ll only be using ZBrush and GIMP? Anyway…

He needs hair and I’ll be using poly paint to add some more skin tone to his face.

And I just need to tweak here and there to get the expression right.

I think the nose needs some work.

Anyway, I’m going back to fixing the body today and giving him some clothes, then I’ll come back to the head.

I also want to start on that toilet. Still unsure how to even start on that one! :confused:
Until I come up for air… laters! :smiley:

Nice concept.:+1:

Sam looks really scared. :grimacing:
Go for it.:smiley:

real funny and scary concept now I am afraid to go to the restroom and I can’t stop laughing at myself for being scared either. can’t wait to see this finished. really good modeling for someone who is new to 3d.

So the head is on the body, and I have changed the proportions of the body somewhat. Still some work to do, like the arms, which still don’t look right.

But I think I’ll clothe him first, give him some hair and then see what needs to be done.

Oh! and please excuse the poor quality of the last image. I am desperately trying to get good renders to come out, and keep skrewing up the settings.

Any advice on this would be welcome!