
Saving positions for my Reference manager plugin

Hi, I am writing a Project manager plugin, with different reference boards for a project, so you can jump between reference board and project with drop-down menu’s. And it is all working perfect. I use saving and loading of my reference boards with the save and load spotlight in Textures. What works perfect and the plugin works perfect this way.
I save the board with this peace of code and that works perfect.

[FileNameSetNext, [StrMerge, boardPath, “reference/”,name,".ZSL"]]
[IPress, Texture:Save Spotlight]

Now I want to use the Zaplink positions to position the Tool I am working on. And the positioning itself works fine no problem there at all. But saving it like I do with the spotlight don’t work at all, because it keeps asking for a filename. Here is what I use now.

[FileNameSetNext, [StrMerge, boardPath, “Management/”,name,".vws"]]
[IPress,Document:ZAppLink Properties:Save Views]

But like I told, this keeps asking for a filename.

I do it this way because I don’t see a way to get and and use the position of the thing I am working on, so in a way I try to do it this way because I don’t have a better solution for the problem. Any help there will be welcome to.

Thanks for the welcome help.

I changed strategy and start using the Timeline for my plugin now.