
Savage Beauty

Ashleysparling- The body is all one mesh but it has poly groups to make sculpting easier. With poly groups you can hide sections of the mesh making it easier work around tight areas or make rotating around a hand much easier than having a whole body in the canvas. I’m not sure if you know about poly groups so I put this together for you explaining how to create them, hope it helps.

1. Holding Ctrl + Shift left Mouse click and drag a marque selection over a section of your mesh. This will create a green selection box. What ever is in the green box will be visible. 2. Now you will have only the portion of the mesh you selected visible. This does not delete the rest of your mesh it just hides it. 3. If you have some faces that you want to hide; holding Ctrl + Shift lft Mouse click and drag a marque selection over those faces and release the Shift key. This will create a Red marque box. This will hide the selection. Release mouse click. 4. Click on the Poly group Tab in the Tool menu. Now click the Group Visible button. This will place that selection into a poly group, Poly groups will have a color applied to them. You can only see the colors in Cage mode. 5. To view the whole mesh; Holding Ctrl + Shift lft Mouse click in the open canvas. Now you can see that the right leg is in a poly group. To view this poly group Hold Ctrl + Shift lft Mouse click on the right leg. I usually separate the body into several poly groups, each leg, arm, hand, the head and torso. ![PolyGroups.jpg|1200x1172](upload://wTFCZkOaWJhrh2L7EI6siuKNulw.jpeg)

oh wow thank you, I didn’t expect that. that you for your time in doing that little tutorial. I under stand now. I will give it a go.

Thank you again the model looks fab.

Thanks for sharing your workflow as a fellow Maya user too. Always looking to improve my lighting techniques for MR :+1:

She is beautiful !
Thanks for the tips and tricks !

I have not even read the whole thread yet, but I must subscribe!

Beautiful work!!! I love everything about it. She makes me think of Gina Carano. My hats off to you.

Also, thank you for sharing your workflow with us.

Hi guys,
Here is my latest project.It’s still a W.I.P so Crits and comments are always welcome. I am sculpting the Maleficent character from Sleeping Beauty. Instead of the typical remake I decided to give her an Asian quality. I am changing the look of her outfit a little to bring in some of the Dragon to her costume. Still have a lot I want to do with it. She will have a full body.

I will have some more images in a week or so. Only get a few hours a week to work on it but it keeps my sanity in check;) Anyway, hope you all like her. Also the stitching was done using
Ryan Kingslien’s Clothing brush set. Very nice brush set, Thanks Ryan.





Very cool!

Looking good buddy! Looking good! Looking great actually! :slight_smile:

Very nice and very clean i love it.

amazing detail! that looks great. cant wait to see it finished.

Very nice details…especially the knots and stuff!

Yeah, I agree. Looking great so far! Can’t wait to see the next step :smiley:


Awesome!!! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
Love the rendering, nice pose as well for the first character…
Can’t wait to see for next one…

Here is the latest on my Sleeping Beauty’s Maleficent character.
Progress has been a little slow but I have most of the dress worked out. I’m holding off on the arms till I get her posed. Hope you guys like it. Crits and comments are always welcome.








Looks very good so far. Nice detailing in the dress. However, I think her face needs to be more evil looking, thinner, more angular, with a stronger chin, and cheekbones. Also, she looks asian. Is your version supposed to be asian?

[attach=172625]sleeping beauty_002.jpg[/attach]


sleeping beauty_002.jpg

Yes. She is going to be Asian. I’m planing on giving her an expression to bring in some of the evilness. I wanted to try and make her feel more like a real person rather than have exaggerated proportions. But good call on the facial features. I’ll make another pass on the face to see if I can bring out more of that evil quality. Thanks for the critique. :smiley:

Looking good bud! Hope you and the family had a great Christmas bud!

Is very good your work, the first work this perfect, very well done, I liked very the texture, a great work, congratulations!!!


i love it
plz how did you sculpt the clothes




