
Sakamoto sketchbook

Congrats! This portrait is fantastic!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Really impressive Jobs, I like a lot.


that amazing design

Awesome!! congratz for the top row Leo! well deserved! ta pareçendo o brazilian storm no ZBC :D:+1:

slocik - Thank you! :slight_smile:

davidness - Thanks a lot!

Vaalrock - Thanks! I’m glad you liked it! Wrinkles by hand and pores by alpha and hand. :slight_smile:

bukkit - Thanks man! I’ll fix it in the next project! Thanks :slight_smile:

lazy noob - Thanks! :slight_smile:

][-][4Z4R][)) - Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

Pancho 2099 - Thank you so much! I’m glad you liked it!

digitalmind - Thanks a lot my friend! hhahaha :wink:

excellent! I remember seeing that dude in 3d.sk!

Full inspiration my friend! Congrats !

Thank you so much master! :smiley:

This is ACE. Fantastic piece… you can feel his pride and just imagine his lengthy service. Great work.

your attention to detail is remarkable and your eye foe color and form is exceptional. This is professional work at the highest level. Bravo.

great details! I love how fleshy the head feels :+1:

Wicked work Leo, keep it up buddy!

Jet3D - Hahahaha Yes, sir! Thanks a lot man! :slight_smile:

Thenar - Thanks! I’m glad you liked it! :slight_smile:

Drummer - Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

Mutte696 - Thanks a lot my friend! :slight_smile:

Awesome work on the skin shader, Leo :+1: What did you use to render?

amazing work. :slight_smile:
only thing i would check is proportions of top part of the head compared to the whole face seems to me it is quite short.
Uness it is taken from reference top part of head should normally be taller.

Wow! Your sculpt is really amazing! I would check your focal length on your Render Camera as I think your lens is a little wide and most portraits are done with a bit longer lenses since it makes people look more “beautiful”

Keep up the gorgeous work!

wow awesome dude :smiley:

VChung - Thanks! SS2, vray (3dmax)! :slight_smile:

Nemoid - Thanks! I used references (3dsk). :slight_smile:

ATCJUSTICE - Thanks! :slight_smile:

gunawan - Thanks buddy! :slight_smile:

Stunning work!

Lexxx69 - Thanks a lot! :slight_smile: