
R'Zalka - DW3 entry

Wow! Thank you so much guys for your kind words! I’m so honoured to be in top row since it may be the very first time I post my work on ZBC!

@Aeneas: About the spear blade, we had to create a warrior who would use a magical artefact. That’s the reason why the blade is so bright. I wish I had more time to make more interesting effects on it though.

Maybe the kind of humour you’re talking about comes from a previous version of her magical weapon :wink:

By the way, the concept was a paintover in photoshop, based on a quick doodle made in Zbrush with Zspheres.
For the turntable video, I used the MJPEG compressor in Max, I don’t understand why you can’t read this file :-\ I can play it in Windows Media Player 11, or VLC without any problem.

@ mradamw Thanks mister! I used Zbrush for the concept, the high res sculpt, and the base for my textures. Max and Photoshop did the rest.

@brettSinclair :open_mouth: Thank you so much Brett! I’m so honoured that you posted here: your crayfish guy is in my favorite references folder!!! I love sea creatures and yours is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. You actually make me want to make another one :laughing:

@ gpepper: Merci! I used Max default renderer for this project. I wanted to try Crysis engine to test their shaders, but time was against me, so after few export errors, I came back in Max. Lazy me!

@ Iatriki: Thanks a lot Andrei! I wish I had your knowledge in rendering! You and Maddamart are so talented to give life to your sculpts!

@justin.jacot: My process is pretty generic I guess. I start blocking the proportions on a basemesh in Max or with Zspheres, then sculpt in Zbrush. I cut the character in many subtools, and had the chance to get the Subtool Master plugin right in time when I had to mirror hands or arms. Then I do the retopology in Zbrush or with Polyboost, and unwrap my final lowres with Unfold 3D. For this project I used the polypaint feature in Zbursh, but since I had my basemesh was different from my final lowpoly, and had no uvs, I transferred the polypaint on AUVs and projected the diffuse color from the high to the low with the Render to Texture in Max.

With this color base and an occlusion map in Mutiply, I had a good base for my diffuse map. The lightning is pretty generic too, especially for the first picture since complex lightning and shadowing was prohibited on this one. We were able to use a 3 spots lightning only. Here is a screenshot of it in Max:


@Slosh: Thank you very much! Dominance war is THE contest for character artists working in the video game industry. Each year the event is getting bigger and bigger, and this year, forums from various nationalities (Korean, French, English, Russian, Chinese…) were hosting the fight. You can find more infos on their website, and see the wonderful characters that were created this year and during the last two years.


@onelasagnacat: Thank you dear neighbour! J I love your works!

@Morph division: I used the ZMaterial pack that Adam Lewis provided in Kolby Jukes’ new website:

Thanks Adam for those!

Big thanks to everyone who took some time to post a comment!

Here is her background story, that matches to the Dominance war 3 story, for those who are interested:

At the dawn of the third millennium, the first killing machines fell from the sky like angels of death, come to change the face of our world forever. Resistance against the Biggun army was pointless and our people had no choice but to seek refuge in a place where the machines could not hunt us down: The ocean.

But as our morphology started adapting to our new environment, so did the robots’ technology, and the first submarine prototypes obliged us to descend even deeper into the abysses: Down there we discovered an unexpected fauna, but while fleeing from a threat, we awakened an even bigger one: Bioluminescent creatures of formidable scale, aroused from deep torpor by our arrival in their pitch-dark realms: Once more, left without any options for retreat, our people had to evolve to last, and we chose the art of underwater combat as our path to survival.

Then came the explosion, a thousand years ago. A luminous flash from space enlightened our world, reaching down to the deepest levels of the sea, and from that day, machines stopped functioning, their lifeless wracks being all that was left behind.

Robots were not the only one to be struck by the effects of the supreme weapon though, as our people underwent its ultimate mutation, resulting in a line of chosen females that could control the immensely powerful magical energies that were lingering in the dark realms: From our ancestral legends, these creatures from the deep, the Rusalki, are as beautiful as they are merciless: Air becomes water on contact, and when they venture onto the surface, tidal waves announce their arrival. Accompanied by other creatures of the dark that sense the power emanating from them, these awesome foes have mastered the ultimate art of invocation, controlling the spirits of the four abysses through a harpoon retrieved from the deepest point of the ocean, the artefact’s ominous glow flickering nervously in the hand of its cold-blooded bearer, waiting for the powers to be unleashed onto her enemies.

The mightiest among them, R’Zalka, is our chosen one, our only hope against an emerging threat.




Yes… one of my favourite entries. Good luck, and congrats for a great work

Thanks for your reply and explaining why the blade is so shiny bright.

I also can now view the turntable: I had right-clicked and had gotten a 11kB “thing”, not the real file. Now I have downloaded the right thing.

Once again: I really love your work.

amazing work goldo_O
I hope one day i am at a level where i can make characters like that :slight_smile: Lots of inspiration i must say!

Thank you so much for sharing your workflow, its great seeing how such fantastic models are made :cool:

goldo_Othanks for giving some insight into your workflow. its truly amazing to see the work you can do.
i hate to ask this, but i recon its the only way ill get answers considering your workflow and expertise.
i wont bog down the wall with it here, but if you could please go here (http://www.zbrushcentral.com/zbc/showthread.php?t=58927) and maybe help out. there are lots of us struggling with integrating zbrush and 3ds max, so i started a thread to maybe get some insight from people who know what they are doing.
if you were to take a look and maybe give some help, that would be tremendously cool of you.
thanks man, congrats on the toprow too!!

think you!

Great work Goldo_O!!! i really love the sculpt,all the details… :+1: :+1:
top row!!

Beautiful design, fantastic work!!:+1:

that is some stunning work indeed
the details are quite amazing looking at the closeup shots
thanks for such a great post

as a fantasy/zbrush fanatic, your model almost made me cry (lol its very inspiring!) i appreciate all your efforts

amazing work!!!

Really awesome. The big fish really pushes it all over the top. The head is very original and cool. Great work!

How did you get that glow/bloom effect on stuff?

This is one of the most amazing models I have ever seen,

Will you adopt me and teach me to make 3D this good? :wink:
Very inspiring work!

This is some incredible work. I’ve seen some incredible work for Dominance war 3 and I have to say that it’s gonna be a tough competition… and your definitely not helping :stuck_out_tongue:

Well done!


this is very different,i really like the illustration and colour scheme.keep continue the good work friend.:+1:

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: You Great:D

Hi everyone! Sorry for the late answer, I’m very busy at work those days. I thought I could chill out after DW3, but no rest, never! :smiley:

Thanks again for the nice comments, I’m like > :o

@mradamw: I hope that it can help you, even if it’s not a real solution to your problem. Good luck with displace maps! :slight_smile:

@Ladysoul: Thank you my friend! How was your first day as a teacher?

@rv_el: As the emissive map was just plugged in the self illum channel in my Max shader, and since I don’t know how to apply a glow effect with a texture in Max (from my poor knowledge on this topic, it seems to work with material IDs only), I had to do this in photoshop. I guess it would have been better with a glow in a real time engine such as Unreal or CryEngine.

@konjo kothar vignar : I didn’t know she could convey so much emotion! I’m very glad you like it!

@Maxter, hammondb, Layer01, Gokster, romilkchoprazb, : Thanks a ton guys! I really appriciate your kind words :+1:

@Revanto: Indeed I wouldn’t like to be a judge this year! I’ve seen so many breathtaking works that during the contest, I tried not to browse the forums too much. Some works were so perfect that I wanted to give up watching them! My personnal victory is that I went until the end of this contest :).

@dustbin1_uk: :laughing: Feel free to ask whenever you need an advice, I’d be glad if I can help you!

Thanks everyone for the nice feedbacks! It makes me really happy!

the very best Ive seen so far! I dig the color concept, the creativity and believability thats gone into the character and it`s surrounding and ofc the detail! no error or lazy spot at all!

Amazing man. I love the design, the sculpt, your comps. Great stuff man!

Bryan Wynia

heh… well when somebody devotes a certain amount of months to zbrush sculpting and trying to learn the program, it shouldnt be surprising when seeing quality work evokes emotion. im also guessing that most other people that r obsessed with zbrush view it as the current peak of art/technology am i wrong?