

Tricksy tricksy! Punked! I really thought the last Mental Ray render was the Eden output…

wooooooWW!!! :smiley:

wow, rumplestiltskin would be a great on a shirt for our death metal band! can we buy it???

Wow, really cool works, especially the baby eating creature, though disturbing, has a lot of emotion!

Darkus…you most certainly can buy it!

You guys just get better and better.
Both are great.
Elephant man is stunning!


still pending the shading texturing networks on maya

awesomely odd :+1:

Wow…realy amazing work here!!!

It will be great to see that Maya stuff :smiley:


I think so. Normal man can’t dat much unbelievable work.

How can express my words? :roll_eyes:

Plz post the shading network of sss.

ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC, :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :slight_smile:

great and wicked stuff man :+1: cheers!

Holy crap Adam! I’m soooo impressed with your work!
Hope you have time to do DW5 in Nov! :smiley: