
rock environment study

yea! great work man!

Alex Oliver

Amazing works! Really stunning :grimacing:

Here’s my 1st try with this technique. Didn’t spend much time, but I felt the power :sunglasses:

Great stuff man. Thanks for sharing this.

Great work! Congrats on the top row and the Gnomonolgy gig! :slight_smile:

Peace - NickZ.

Your rock faces rock :):).Very nice indeed infact all your work is excellent.I loved ya blog stuff.very nice.Ty for tuts on this I will be definatley trying too make some nice cliff faces and terrains with that.
Awsome work:).

wow…great inspirative work !

Dude, really really nice. I haven’t gotten ZBrush yet but I’ve studied the tutorials a lot. How do you create custom alphas through pictures?

Very original, you don’t see many cliff faces up there in top row.


yeah pics to alphas, how to??? i mean yours looks really neat man, im kinda trying to follow your tut and im stuck there :stuck_out_tongue:

Fabulous work. Awesome tutorial. Huge Help. Thanks.

…but why not re apply a natural texture on the red mountain roks for a realistic render?

So nice to see a different use for z-brush. Not alot of environments done here, and yours are not only well executed, but you have planted the seed for many of us with the inspiring demo. Now, if I can only find the time to play with it.

Thanks so much for sharing. Keep up the great work!

Hey thank you, everybody. This is really cool.

and Its great to see other peoples rock examples!,

I started this exercise as AN experiment, AND didnt expect this much interest but i think people have realized how quick and easy it is to get some good results, which is great!

im working on some colour test, so hopefully i can post an update soon.

cheers all.


Wow! amazing work!:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :grimacing:


Really nice ZRoCkTools man! :wink: :+1:

Thanks for the tut, very informative…:bulb:

Hello everybody,

some more zbrush rocks, here are some colour test I’ve done using two different methods.

These were done with dry brushing technique using cavity mask, then drawing on photo textures in projection master. This process was super quick.

These were done with dry brushing again, but texture was completely painted with polypaint.

Please, let me know what you think.





I like these last images. Natural-looking…
Makes me want to model some rocks now… Quite inspiring! :wink:

Looks great!:+1: