
Ringtailed Lemur Study

Sculpt Study that I then baked and roughly painted.
I am struggling with sculpting fur and would love some pointers!

Making a short series of animal sculpts throughout the year so I can see my progress! First one was the Azure Kingfisher (earlier post)


As it happens Mr Pablo Munoz has some free fur brushes press here .
Taking a look at how these are created in your brush settings will help you create your own.

You can find Pablo discussing the topic of fur in this video link

Ana Carolina Pereira discusses using VDM’S press here

Here is Ana doing her own fur block-in sculpting a goat

For fur breaks/ surface breaks , using vdm’s (as linked) using masking , sculptris mode ,chisel brushes, ScribeChisel brushes etc are all useful devices.
You can also use the history recall brush if you want to copy areas of fur you like from a sculpt variation. This allows you to work freely on variations and copy over sucessful areas.

Relative to History recall is capturing existing sculpted areas to use elsewhere using the XTractor brushes

How any brush can be an XTraction brush here discussed by Michael Pavlovich

Here’s Ashley A. Adams discussing using Curve Alpha brushes

Here’s Oscar Trejo discussing using sculpting layers

Relative to using layers is using morph targets see Daniele Angelozzi discussing that here. In this video Daniele shows you how using layer brushes with morph targets will help you create fur that can overlap at different depths using the brush depth feature.

Relative to sculpting depth heres a discussion by Michael Pavlovich using the Thick Skin feature.

Stroke Menu > Adjust last - this will help you increase or decrease the strength of your last stroke.

video on Adjust Last, Group Changed, Mask Changed, and Mask Boost & Dilute

Check out the contrast delta and contrast target brushes for adjusting the contrast of stokes if needed - also you can find a global contrast setting in Deformation >Contrast see Michael Pavlovich here

Check out , Replay last relative - discussed by Alfred Zhuo stroke and record stoke - discussed by Sean Forsyth are ways of repeating a sculpt action.


Wow!! Thank you so much!! I’m extremely grateful for your help!
Have a lot of amazing things to look through now, quite excited!

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Thank you Belle , happy that the links will inspire.

After writing the previous notes I had a few more thoughts to round off an overview of features that will help you feel in the most control of your surface and achieve your goals.
Here’s a few more that came to mind whilst I supped tea and watched blackbirds fighting over apples in my garden.

Varying the size of your brush alpha/ Magnify using pen pressure discussed by Michael Pavlovich

Mixing Brush Alphas and Textures using brush pressure discussed once again by our very own guardian angel Michael Pavlovich

Other thoughts : Check out using spotlight to paint 3d relief from an image using the pin facility to sample from an area. That can be useful sometimes.

Finally: For the finessing of brush craft to achieve the control of light,tone,tonality,surface,reflection etc you might require, check out the ZBrush livestreams of Nacho Riesco Gostanza and Tomas Wittelsbach.
For example at 35 mins 40 seconds in this video you will see Nacho using the smooth peaks and the smooth valleys brush to finesse and fade out a sculpted transitions. Such control can be very useful.

Happy investigations. :sunflower:

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