
Revival of old thread in new forum


I’m wondering if all old thread will eventually be converted to the new forum.

I’ve got a long-maintained personal artwork showcase thread at the old forum, and it’d be great if I wouldn’t have to start all over again.


This migration is currently in progress. It is mostly complete at this point, but there are some threads that are still being worked on.

Lots of data to move across! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your reply. I can lively imagine the scale of the migration and the huge amount of administration it requires.

Good luck!

@aurick I got similiar question, one of my threads is visible in my profile in “my topics” tab, another one that I’d like to update in near future is not. What to do with that?

Do you have a link to the thread in question?

Levus3D @aurick I got similiar question, one of my threads is visible in my profile in “my topics” tab, another one that I’d like to update in near future is not. What to do with that?

This one:

Hey @aurick

2 of my topics are back on my topics list in my profile, but they are flagged as “not listed”.
And indeed, those topics are still not visible in public board.


I’ll let @melissa know. Thanks.

Hi @Levus3D, this has been resolved :white_check_mark:

@melissa @aurick
Thank you guys, appreciate!:slight_smile:

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