
RestoreSymmetry ZScript, Rev A

This ZScript is designed to adjust the radius,X, Y and Z mirror symmetry to a ZSphere model which is no longer symmetrical.

Non-symmetry can be a result of editing a 3D object with symmetry modifiers turned off or it can occur after long sculpting sessions, where minor differences in calculated positions accumulate, and ZSpheres on opposite sides of an X, Y or Z axis go out of alignment by a fraction of a pixel.

RestoreSymmetry, Revision A.zip

Note: This ZScript doesn’t work on models created with radial symmetry.

Minor differences can occur because ZSphere positions are re-calculated every time you move, rotate or resize them.

To illustrate how this can happen: take a standard calculator, and divide 1 by 3. The result is 0.3333333, but this is slightly incorrect – it should be .3333333333… (with repeating threes forever).

Divide by 2 and you get 0.1666666 – this is still slightly incorrect. Multiply by 6, and you’d expect to get 1 again, but instead you get 0.9999996 – now it’s even further off.

The more the position values are calculated, the more these tiny differences can accumulate.

This ZScript examines all the position values of the ZSpheres and makes them match correctly again.

Hope this helps,

thats exzactley what i was going to say. :smiley:
i got it saved :wink:

Hmmm, it says

[Note,“This ZSpheres object was created in older version of ZBrush and it does not contain the necessary information for proper symmetry adjustments.”]

I am a little confused! hehe Is there version 1.6 out there somewhere?

Would you mind if I incorporate this script into my Zsphere Widget? With full credit of course :slight_smile:

won-der-ful :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

  • juandel

edit: no trouble like Digits reported on my mac with this script - wowzie, great job, davey!!!

digit i think it was 1.5 then went to 1.5.1

The problem seems to be with models that I have generated with my zsphere script. They have no Timestamp information. Models done the old fashioned way :slight_smile: are fine

try downloading one of the Z Sphere tools that have been posted and see if you get the same error

Great script davey!!! works great for me! :+1: :smiley:

Thanks for the script Davey, you’re a star! :+1: :+1: :+1:

Thanks a million Davey, you guys are soo fast when it comes to technical support + extra’s :smiley:

  • Shane

Man, that is a sorely needed tool…
just brilliant.

arfff excellent !!! exactly what I need !!! thx a lot!! :+1:

Very nice Davey, thanks.

Many thanks, Davey. Just yesterday I was in need of such a tool. It works great on my Mac.


i tried using that script on Z2 and i clciked on the zsphere thats not symetry anymore and yet i get Zsphere dosnt contain symetry information

what im i doing worng

If you are using Z2 why not use its resym or smart resym options? They are located I believe in the tools menu under deformations…I don’t have it in front of me at the moment but am pretty sure thats where its at.

aminuts - I may be nuts but resym or smart resym doesn’t work for me at all.

the script works killer, though!

ashaiad - i got that once to but i just moved the sphere again and tried the button and all was fine. You might also try increasing the axis tolerance.



Since the ZBrush3 has come out this handy script doesn’t work properly on ZSpheremodels anymore. Also ReSym and SmartReSym have no effect on ZSpheres and so at the moment there is just no way to fix an unsymmetrical ZSpheremodel.
Maybe it is possible this helpful script to be modifierd in a way that it also works for ZSpheremodels that were modeled inside ZB3 or ZB3.1?
Unfortunately I’m not experienced in codewriting at all. Please can someone help me and rewrite this script so it also runs in ZB3.1?

Thanks in advance

I’m afraid that currently scripting for zspheres is problematic in ZBrush 3.1 so this script can’t be updated just now.

Hello You,

i want to create a generic hand;
in order to stay as flexible as possible i would like each
finger to be a subtool with symmetry active on the x-axis.

i wasn’t able to reset symmetry after i used Deformation > Offset

is there a different way?


