
Realistic USA Ranger Portrait

I agree with you.

@dorian3d: THanks a lot :smiley:
@Yan Apostolides: Thanks a lot :smiley:
@rettich: Thanks a lot:D
@Jake Rupert: Hey man :smiley: I used my eyebrows as reference so maybe my eyebrows
have grown reversed:D thanks a lot man :smiley: Definitely mistakes are there!
@philuxius: as above answered :smiley:

that´s a great piece!! i am fascinated by the hair - your did an amazing job on tweaking it to the maximum

i think the textures of the hat would profit from a bit more variance (hue shift, specular contrast)

edit: and thanks for sharing this detailed tutorial!

Great Work… thanks for tutorial.

wow…very great job!!
trully inspiring…congrats on toprow…totally deserve it :slight_smile:

Nice work. Looks like Pat Tillman. I often think of Pat Tillman, his amazing family and what they’ve gone through. Learn about Pat, his story and his family… its important.

What a magnificent piece of work. Uncanny!

If your are aiming for hyper realism your proportions are off. http://home.ku.edu.tr/~btan/images/DavinciProportion.gif
Also the line of the head is cropped by the beret, really odd. Other than that really nice piece. Congratulations!

Truly fantastic. This is photo-realistic.


Could you quickly describe the steps and settings you use the noisemaker.
I’ve tried playing with it before and it’s really difficult to get anything out of it.
once more THUMBS UP!

Wow! Amazing and realistic character! Congrats!

Anderson - Gendragon:D


What is so amazing about your this model and render is that in BW, it looks like a picture still.

Very impressive! Also the topology is amazing! I would LOVE to rig your model!!

Guys thanks to all of you and sorry for late reply ! I was working a lot on some new stuff !

@michaelMaehring: Thanks a lot man! Thanks for the comment:D I will keep in mind for the next job!
@ho0man: Thanks man!
@Mrzeal: Thanks a lot!
@A.Baroody: Thanks a lot man! I checked his story that’s why I used him as reference:D
@SolidSnakexxx: Thanks a lot!
@luisnieves: Thanks for the comments. I was using a real reference and I tried to follow it but there is always mistakes on cg works cause it’s cg :smiley:
@sean_rodrigues: Thanks a lot man!
@VWZargo: Thanks a lot! It’s very easy to use noisemaker! just go to the surface section and check the noise in preview and try to play with the noise curve till you get what you want. I used different layers of noise and then over it did lots of sculpting! I usually use noise to add random details and dots on skin.
@gendragon: Thanks a lot man!
@CyberGolem: Thanks a lot!
@csansonetti: Thanks a lot! I’m not sure what you mean about BW :smiley: but for rig if you want I can give you something to rig for sure! just go to my website and add me in skype or Facebook and we can do something together probably:D www.siamakroshani.com

Happy new year !

Fantastic work !

Maybe I ask to much . If is possible a tutorial for “mortals” & “noob” like me :roll_eyes: … .

Thanks in advance !

Keep up the very good work !

Happy new year siamak_cgm!

Anderson - Gendragon

@linuxva: Thanks a lot ! Happy new year. Here is a making of for 3dworld magazine which might answer

some of your questions!

@gendragon: Thanks a lot man happy new year !

I mean no offense, but I’m compelled to defend this work from the part of your comment suggesting inaccurate facial proportions. In short, these proportion charts are merely a guide. In reality, anatomical features aren’t based on these guides or charts at all, rather the rules are just an observation of nature and generalized as a guide. To follow them too stringently will produce clones at best, which people and art are not.

I love the exaggeration of his heroic proportions! The amount of work and detail that went into all the fine textures is remarkably believable and perfect. Stunning!
