
Ralph_ The rabbit

Hello everyone, this is BH3D coming to you another day, showing another
3D modeling/3D printing work!
Today, we are here to show you the 3D sculpting and printing
of Ralph, a rabbit OC of our client!

Ralph_ The rabbit

Ralph, itself seems like a rabbit that looks like an adventuring type, that loves to see the world as it is, calmly enjoying the view with his goggle on his head.

3D Sculptings

We made the 3D model focusing on both sides where, the casual, and the traditional has to be blended.
We focused on the details of his clothes, face, and other details that were given.

360 View of the model!

Finished model!

as for the painting of the model, not too much on the colors, but keeping it casual, neat, and pretty as it is.

For more info about us on 3D modeling and more 3D sculpting and figurines.
BH3D 3Dprintings-


If you want us to visit and check out other websites or artworks, we have tons of them here!
BH3D education-
