
[Question] What exactly is the safest way to buy a perpetual licenses off someone?

Just a relatively simple question, I notice some poeple are selling their perpetual licenses but I don’t want to just shoot the ball and just go straight into a conversation with them. But I’m thinking about just buying a perpetual licenses off someone considering there wasn’t no sale for it this year and I was hoping to get it. So for those who bought a license already off someone else, what’s the best way to do it, like in terms of sending the money first or if there a man in a middle option. Etc…

And what’s the best way to trust if it’s legit beside account age? For example, I’m pretty sure they might not trust me considering I just made my account. I kinda want to join the Zbrush family this year, but I don’t want to do the whole subscription service thing to be honest considering I’ll probably do this as a hobby.

Hi there,

I just bought a license from someone that put it up for sale here on this website.

-Send the seller a message and agree on the buying/selling price.
-Seller has to contact Maxon and he will have to fill in a form with his name, address etc and he will need yours as well, because Maxon will need this to put your name on the new license.

*** The transfer fees have change quite a bit, Pixologic asked $50 to transfer the license, but Maxon asks $200 yes you read that correct $200 so the seller has to keep that in mind with his asking price.**

Maxon will contact you both, so you will find out if the seller has indeed an authentic license and not a copy or some sort.

Then there is the money transfer, this would be between you and the seller. There is always a trust thing with sending a random person a couple of $100’s

What you could do is, send the seller his asking price, but without the transfer fees,.
YOU would pay the transfer fees, this is something you have to talk to Maxon about and mention this that you as a buyer will send them(Maxon) the transfer fees, also mention this to the seller and both agree on this.
Then you would not have to fully rely on the seller to pay for the transfer fees and send him/her all the money.
But do this after you have been talking to Maxon over email and they give and ok that it’s all legit and the license transfer would be good to go.

Succes with buying your license!

Done this process myself successfully. :+1: It all worked out quite well, but took about two weeks. Maxon was the lowest part in it. BTW: contemplating to transfer a perpetual licence.

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