
Question: Storing roation of a subtool

I’m working on a script that will kinda do the same thing as Stager. And I need to store the exact location, size, and rotation of a subtool. Although I haven’t had any luck getting a rotation stored. If I’m not mistaken zbrush doesn’t store rotations and rotation is always 0? Does anyone know how stager handles the rotation of a subtool?

Hi, I did some quick tests on stager, and first I thought it was storing both gizmo transform at the moment you click home stage or target stage. But if I reset the gizmo pos/rot before that I pressed the target stage button , then it still works properly. which tend to think the gizmo transform data are not used with stager at all.
So probably it used some C lib function access to question the ZBrush API and get better data to work with. I don’t see any other possibility.
