
Punk Girl

Textured, Lit, and Rendered in ZBrush. Photoshop used for texture layers. All textures hand painted except for baked occlusion in Maya, pattern for her skirt, and tattoos.

Punk Girl Render_zc.jpg

I am working on a motorcycle for her to ride as well. Appreciate any comments!




you have some nice things going on here. what stands out to me is the shirt. the wrinkles and form could use a lot of work. also the part between the breasts, looks like you have the same problem I had recently with the base mesh creating a surface that is hard to sculpt on. because of the way the polygons are aligned around her breasts then it gets messy in the middle. I don’t know what the solution is to that lol. I guess the way to go is to make them more boxy with cleaner topology and sculpt most of the form in Zbrush

Thanks for the feedback. Her loose-fitting overshirt has been a trouble item for sure. It is not tight enough to be totally contoured, but not long enough to have interesting fabric wrinkles either. Maybe I should just loose it altogether lol.:lol:

Agreed. Nice model overall, but the area around the breasts seems awkward. Also, you could reduce the bust a bit, in my opinion.

Another issue: The upper arms seem too short, and are sort of “pinched” around the shoulders. Actually the arms overall look a bit stiff and mannequin-like. I would try to work on them a bit more.

The pose, costuming, and color is nice. Love the legwork and the boots.

If this was content in a game, I think it would pass the test.
good work.
Most notably the face is quite good, and the skin is toned well,
this is just a zbrush render?

Thanks for the comments:

secretmantra: Thanks for the compliment. No argument, about the breast redux. They are certainly above average in size, but I didn’t think so big as you’d never find someone with a bust like that in real life. I mean maybe in a month you would see ones that large. Anyhoo, with my deadline looming and a lot of stuff left on the list, that was pretty low priority.:wink: I will reserve the “final breast verdict” when I have her posed on the bike, e.g. different gravitational forces will be acting on them. It will require some adjustment anyway. I’ll take a look at the arms, probably stuff that happened during posing. The arms I posed based on a reference that only had one of the arms visible, so my guess is my attempt for natural arm hang did not work. I will work on them some more when I pose her on the bike.

rouncer: Thanks for your compliment as well. It was rendered in ZBrush, and I lit it with a standard warm/cool lighting combo. The final shot was made in Photoshop using multiple render passes. I’ve included them below:

Did another render adding a pass for skin and switched some of the materials for the clothing and added a custom skin material. This is still definitely WIP (simultaneously working on her motorcycle), so keep the comments coming…good or bad!

this looks pretty good but i think you really need to fix the chest. at this point, it’s all i notice now which is a shame cuz there are other areas that are done really well. i think if you’re lookin at it being a portfolio piece, it’s a must cuz anatomy is far and away the most important basic skill to character modeling. that being said, i want to reiterate that this piece is still very strong and i hope you keep going cuz you’ve clearly got the skills!

Thanks for the feedback, sarakawa. I am definitely going to keep going because I love to do this stuff! When I get a chance I will hide the half shirt, perform a breast reduction in line with some other feedback, and post some viewport shots untextured. That should assist me in isolating the problem to the half shirt and not the anatomy underneath or textures/lighting. So, stay tuned! :wink:

Hi man, love the texture and color combination that you use in her…
I got a few suggestion here; I think the problem with her breast is it points out too much, the angle shouldn’t be that extreme to the side if she wear a bra inside. And the other thing is her arms a bit too short at the moment.

Also for a women usually (in general) her shoulder shouldn’t be wider then her hips. I think that what cause you make her breast separate too much to each other. Hope this help you in some way!


it’s the way you sculpt her shirt that is the problem… The breast may be a bit too big and out of porportion, but the size is sort of acceptable if that is really what you want…

your shirt however, is very unnatural. Cloths don’t fold and wrinkle like this, and a material that soft would certainly not wrap around underneath the boobs like that…

try to find some references and follow the wrinkle pattern or change it to a more tight material so it would wrap around the breast and show the shape you want… But the way you sculpt the shirt is ruining the silhouette of her body and mainly the boobs area…

Piggy: I agree about the shirt, it will either be redone or discarded. I think ZBC and I are in violent agreement on that! I will be posting some images soon without the half shirt, so maybe this will be received better. The under shirt is more tight fitting like what you are talking about.

Revel: Yes, I am aware about her breasts pointing out in the “Z” too much and will work to correct. She is not wearing a bra, and as such her breasts wont be pushed together or stay as centered as someone with smaller breasts would. A lot of women walk around with push-up bras on these days, but that is not the look I am going for here. Her shoulders are actually about the same width as her hips in zero pose, I will take a look at that proportion though and post more screen caps for crits.

As always, thanks for your feedback! I’ll be posting more soon.






dude, that makes a HUGE difference! this looks much better…good stuff!!

Good to see you improved her, shes looking stellar now.

Thanks, guys!

Looks nice man…my first crit would be first that the armpit seems a bit too much like a curve… I think you should see more of a flap of skin going on there. It appears almost like you just transposed the arm and left it. However you should go back into the armpit and close that curved gap…my next crit would be that the arms look a bit short…





Punk Girl Motorcyclist11_post.jpg

Punk Girl Motorcyclist11_occ.jpg

Been busy with work and such, but finally got a chance to come back to this model that I began in school, little by little. I was able to find time to sculpt on the model again and fix the dreaded armpit wonkiness that has been plaguing this model and clean up her general body shape a bit. I also revamped the hair with some transparency planes to make it look more authentic. I used the same technique to give her eyelashes. Finally, I was able to apply what I have learned about lighting/rendering and skin shaders to the Maya version. I actually was able to do these images in a single render pass, unlike before where I was putting together 3 or 4 passes in Photoshop. This has been a useful skill where I work currently, as I have been having to do some batch rendering for videos. Anyway I am at the point now where I need to move on to other pieces, so that’s about it for this one. I much appreciate the ZBC feedback that helped me along. Once I start my next piece I will open up a new thread to put all my work on, so that my bad habits will be evident to all :wink:



