
Projection Master not working.... again

Hello everyone,
I have tried several times to follow the tutorial of Projection Master and even applied the bug fix with the double-sided. But the issue persists now when I pick it up and in the carved edges generates a weird mesh overlapping in the intersection of the edges…

Is there any fix to this?
Thank You…

Hello @JPEG

Sorry you’re having some trouble.

  1. Please upgrade to the most current version of ZBrush, currently 2021. Older versions of the program are not supported, and it’s pointless to troubleshoot a program version missing years of fixes. Upgrading is free for registered users.

  2. Projection Master is a very old feature in the program, and has not seen meaningful updates in many years. It’s functionality has mostly been replaced by features like Spotlight. Consider following some more recent tutorials.

  3. Your issue is likely the result of a problematic mesh that is unstable in some way or another. I couldn’t say for sure without knowing much more about its topology and how it was created.

  • It may also be an issue with UVs. Try saving out your tool so you have a copy of your current UVs to retrieve, then deleting the UVs on your mesh in ZBrush. You can use PM with polypaint only, independent of any UVs, assuming your mesh resolution is high enough to capture the detail. You can then either re-import your original UVs, or create new ones, and create a texture from polypaint.
  1. Ultimately, if you discover a repeatable bug or issue in ZBrush, this needs to be reported to Pixologic Support, tied to your registered copy of the program. Reporting it in any other way, including the community forums, will not put your issue in the hands of the people that fix those things. Be sure to be using the most up to date version of the program before contacting Support.

Finally, this is the 2020 subforum. In the future, be sure to get your question into the proper forum, or it it may escape notice.

Good luck!

For the price we are paying for this issue should have a solution. And a support team with the knowledge.
If I haven’t mentioned any of the other specifics it’s because it’s done entirely in Zbrush with no other gizmos of UV’s or any other thing.
I mean I, even sow the screenshot but will have to do another one based on your condescending answer.

But I got a solution based on hours of trials and errors.
Instead of SubDividing it at first with no Smooth on, do the contrary.
Apply the smoothing from the beginning.
No need to reply back, Thx, I guess?