
Predator (1987)

Great job :slight_smile:

That’s coming along nicely, I really like it! Can’t wait to see how the armour details look. :slight_smile:

Looks awesome so far!

Thanks guys!

I started polypainting and I’ve also begun work on the armor sculpting. Here’s the latest (snapshot from Zbrush):

Last update for the weekend :slight_smile:

Hey guys,

I’ve started some preliminary diffuse and normal bump baking so that I can incorporate my textures into 3ds MAX. Still lots to do, but I wanted to give an update:

This is just a beauty pass, no compositing or complex shader nodes yet. He’s already rigged. The armor from the waist down still needs a lot of work. Let me know what you think! :slight_smile:

Great Model and the walk cycle looks amazing. Keep them coming…

Lovely model. the 1987 predator is by far the best design in the franchise. Nice work, looking forward to seeing more

Thanks guys!

Here’s a pretty major update :slight_smile: (Please watch it in HD, the SD footage is terrible).

Lots more to do! But he’s getting better :slight_smile: This footage is not rendered by the way, it’s the real-time viewport in 3ds MAX. So any materials that seem a bit muffled or plain are not being textured and displayed in the way that they will in the final/rendered footage. I’ll do another fancy render once he has a bit more to show.

I completely modeled his gauntlets, it’s hard to tell from this render but they have a ton of small detail (this will show up better in an actual render as opposed to a screen/viewport grab). I also have to redo his facial rigging, sadly my MAX file with his facial bone/rig system got corrupted :frowning: Not a big deal, but I have to redo it. Hence the plain facial expression throughout this video :stuck_out_tongue:

Let me know what you think!

Hey guys,

Here’s another update! I know these are super short, but I wanted to share the progress. The animation is the same segment as what I uploaded last time, except now there is added facial animation, and the dreds and arm straps are animated/simulated. This footage is not rendered by the way, it’s the real-time viewport in 3ds MAX.

Please watch in HD! :slight_smile:


Let me know what you think!

  • Ralph

Hey guys.

Here’s the latest update, it took forever to render (even though it’s only 5 seconds). Please do watch this in HD, the SD footage on YouTube does not do it justice :slight_smile:



Very nice! :+1:

Amazing work !!! It shows you worked very hard on this keep up the good work!!!