
Portrait Study

I’ve been wanting to do a fully rendered portrait study for ages now, but haven’t had the time. This actually just started as one of my regular ‘head from sphere’ practice heads, as a little test to try out Blender sculpting tools. It wasn’t bad for the blockout, but once I got it to a retopo(ZWrap) stage I shot it across to Zbrush to continue.
I managed to squeeze this in in just over a week from scratch(including a crash course in remembering how much Maya drives me nuts, having not opened it in 3 years) lol. I wish I had more time to really polish it, but such is the bottomless time pit of 3D art. :smiley: I went through about a million ‘it sort of looks like him…it’s looks NOTHING like him…etc’… It’s was weird, but towards the end I started seeing Val Kilmer from the front, but solid Arnie from the 3/4, which is funny because the side and 3/4 are usually the trickier.

This was started from a sphere in Blender using their voxel remesher, which is sort of like Dynamesh. It’s not something I would ever usually do, but it was more out of curiosity.

Over the Zbrush for Zwrap and final sculpting/detailing.