
Popup Pallet windows appears when I press on wacom Intuos 4 tablet

Hello all.,

Popup Pallet windows appears when I press on Wacom Intuos 4 tablet (latest drivers).
I’m on windows 10 and running Zbrush 2022.6. To me, it looks like it loses presure
with my wacom tablet. And then when I want to sculp the popup pallet windows comes on screen :frowning:

what could I try? test. Thanks

Hello @decorix ,

Please contact ZBrush Support for technical issues with your ZBrush installation. For what it’s worth I don’t experience this with an Intuous Pro, though your tablet model is more than ten years old. We wouldn’t have any way of testing any potential issues specific to that model.

Thank you!

Thank you very much. I will contact support too. I didn’t have any issues in the past. Perhaps I need to do a clean install or re-install wacom drivers again.