
"Polygroupit by paint" making border its own polygroup, what am i doing wrong?

Hi i am new to Zbrush and struggling with breaking my model into different polygroups properly so I can ultimately make some cleaner UVs via UV Master (by polygroup). I have drawn pure black lines on a pure white hi-res (3mil point) model and then clicked “polygroupit from Paint” however, it keeps making the borders themselves a seperate polygroup. what am i doing wrong? thank you!

I solved it by uninstalling Zbrush 22 and installing 23. now it works like a charm. Mustve been a glitch…

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Hello @dreamblind ,

This would be the expected behavior if you activated the plugin by clicking on the “Border” button. That feature also creates a poly group out of the black border paint.

If you are getting that behavior even when pressing “PolyGroupIt from Paint”, then some sort of issue with your installation or an issue with being able to accurately target buttons on the screen is possible. Please contact Support.

Thank you!