
Pixologic Release: PaintStop plugin for ZBrush 3.1 Windows & ZBrush 3.2 MacOSX

Am I the only person in the universe having problems installing it? I have done exactly as the .pdf installation notes say and now when I try to open zbrush it just hangs at the zbrush logo screen? Anyone else out there having this problem? :o

Yes, I am having the same exact problem…??

In ZBrush (not with PaintStop launched) Ctrl+click on the Scroll button (top right) and then press the Delete key. Press Preferences>Hotkeys>Store and then restart ZBrush.

Does clicking on the ZBrush logo (to give it focus) make any difference?

Thanks Marcus, it works like a charm. Appreciate speed feedback.


niiiiiice…<img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/upload/atn.gif”>

THis IS Amazing-crazy-fun-COOL Feature INSIDE Zbrush, I think I should uninstall Painter 11…!!!
Thanks to all Zbrush TEAM!

Clean and easy, it just works - props for a great design job my friend.


Does clicking on the ZBrush logo (to give it focus) make any difference?__________________

No… It just has an hourglass icon for the mouse. Zbrush never really fires up. Just the logo screen and an hourglass.

SICK!! Been using it all morning…
Great feel with all the tools so far - very natural, love it.

Thanks! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Thankyou guys at Pixologic, very nice plugin, brought 2D back into art for me without leaving ZB.

Ohh liking the way the site is evolving, looks very artistic and inviting.

the line constraint is really fun :smiley:

I’m glad you guys are enjoying it! I had a lot of fun with beta testing, but didn’t have time to push it’s limits. I just opened it and felt right at home drawing. Marcus really did nail the brushes and textures, kudos. Plus I like the interface and simple approach. Great addition to the ZBrush artist’s toolset. I can’t wait to see what the community produces with this :cool:

@hyper z, just in case you didn’t see my previous post, thanks again for the compliments

Ohh My goZ!!!:D:+1:

Am I the only person in the universe having problems installing it? I have done exactly as the .pdf installation notes say and now when I try to open zbrush it just hangs at the zbrush logo screen? Anyone else out there having this problem? :o

Not sure what I did, but I re-installed the plugin and now works great. Superb app that has a really nice natural feel to it. Thank you gods of Pixologic, you have triumphed again!:+1: :+1:

you guys are the ultimate…extragalactic coders:D :smiley: :smiley:

Hay there - love this plugin ! Will def be using it !

Just a quick question - when I specify the res as 300 ppi and then export the image as a psd it opens up is photoshop as a 72 ppi document . Weird no?

Just wondering if anyone else noticed this .:qu:

thanks pixologic once again for the things in past, present and future…
U guys are probably the only people who’ve made a software for artist and not purely technicians (AutoDesk i hope u are watching all this!) :wink:


Being a Freelance 2D Illustrator and 3D Artist i have been really wanting to work more and more with zbrush in a 2d sense, now i have no excuse to even leave the software.

Having used painter and photoshop alot, i really enjoy the feel of the brushes and different mediums. I Still need to play more, and im surely going to do that!

Once 3.5 comes, ive got a feeling that the only Visual creation software open on my computer will be Zbrush!

This is wonderful news. I remember the day i bought zb, with some hesitation… if id known about these releases and upgrades i would not have hesitated a m/second!


Awesome! Just Awesome. I frequently refer to Zbrush as the Swiss Army knife of Graphic apps. 2cool. Kudos Marcus Civis and all the crew at Pixologic!!!

Thank you!

swiss army knife :lol: