

Outstanding and beautiful sculpts! great image, full of life and wonder!

Wow!!! Great work!!! Got to admit I agree with the composition “critiques”… awesome nonetheless!

Fantastic Work.
Amazing detail.especially the “Crazy folds”,even the scratch on the cloth.

Stunning piece!!

This is one of the most impressive 3D scenes that I’ve ever laid eyes on.

Really breathtaking, and mind-boggling, when I think of the work that must’ve went into it. :+1:

Wow this is absolutely incredible work.

thank you gus,you give me such valuable advice,it’s very important to me.This is reallya big challenge to me.Luckily I finished this work.
Very happy to be here with you together to exchange,i love this way :smiley:

Very excited

ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
Regards Kecaj

Top Row definitely!!!

I cannot imagine the time spent on this work. Incredible detail!!! This will be top row for certain!!!

That is fantastic work mate… very impressive.
Especially love the old lady… amazing attention to detail. Great pose… and you Fabric Sculpting is beautiful. Very well done indeed.

:+1: Wash the mind works.Learn from you!

Stunning work. Masterful. Top row for me!

Oh, so fabulous!

:+1: :+1: Top Row, right where it belongs. Totally awesome!!

Wow! The scale of this is impressive. Well done!

So much detail and passion in this piece! I can’t get enough of just checking out everything you put into it :smiley:

Dear Artist… you are out of your mind!!

Too beautiful for words! How long did you work on this?