
PatternPainter - Zbrush script

PatternPainter Zbrush script


I created this little script to make a simple pattern creation tool in Zbrush.
In my work, the very awesome Jozsef Czako (https://www.artstation.com/artist/jozsefczako ) were sitting besides me and having trouble with replicating a specific, tileable garment pattern. We talked about how great it would be to do this in zbrush, without setting up planes in other applications and creating instances, etc. Then I realized the ArrayMesh can do everything that we need to it.

If you click on the PatternPainter button, it will create an ArrayMesh with specified options (created instances and specific offsets).
Nothing special in here, it’s just creates a divided plane, sets up the ArrayMesh,
and turns on X, Y symmetry. Very basic, very simple, but I think it can be useful.

You can get it here: https://gumroad.com/l/tabPM

Ps: Sorry, don’t know how to emblem a vimeo link in here as video.



Thank you Daniel this looks splendid!!:+1:
Thanks for sharing.