
Ornamentalism - My Tablet Sketchbook (Second Video page 2)

Awesome, last one’s my favorite, how do make these man enlighten us?!!

Darukin: Thanks. I think the last might be my favorite also. There are timelapses of my workflow on the 1st and 2nd pages of this thread. After that it’s just playing around and arranging stuff.


Very nice works, my congratz.

best regards

cool stuff, I would love to see them 3d printed.

Cherea: Thank you.

Reedcsy: Thanks. that would be really cool, but expensive I’m sure. I wonder if they could be milled in wood. I could make some really nice jewelry/__ boxes.

Beautiful work and beautiful presentation! :slight_smile: :+1: !

some very nice ornaments you got here.Compliments.
Keep going.

Etcher: Wow, a compliment on presentation from the king of meticulous presentation himself. Thanks!

jmeyer: Thank you. I most certainly will keep going. I haven’t even started really playing with the new 3.5x tools yet. Such an immense playground of possibilities… Your fleshy work is really amazing by the way. I was especially impressed with the ankh one.

excellent work in this thread. those last several snowflakes are spectacular.
Thanks for sharing the technique.

SonOfWitz: My pleasure. I’m glad you like them.

I’d rather see you slow down so we could watch the technique more closely and see what brushes you use etc. Still very nice results man!

Thanks! It’s pretty simple actually. I normally use a clay or layer brush to pull things up a little, though you could really use a bunch of different things, and then default standard brush to give things a little bit of contour in places.

That helps a lot when you mash things together in projection master, because they overlap in interesting ways and you can get a bunch of happy accidents that strongly influence the look.

…snowflakes :cool:

Wow! very cool stuff! I thoroughly enjoyed looking through all the designs you came up with. Great work!

Glad you enjoyed it! I just rendered out huge versions of a few of them and I’m going to get some 3’x3’ posters printed to hang on my wall and remind me to play with zbrush more often. :smiley:

My first little experiment between 3dCoat and Zbrush. It’s pretty interesting thinking of the possibilities of these 2 programs together. I hope they continue to push each other further.




Looking forward to the new experiments! The face in there is weird/cool! :slight_smile: :+1: .




Ha, yeah. I noticed that too in the thumbnail. Very interesting how the human mind will find faces in so many things:
for example.

Ha, funny story. I was just shaving in the shower and idly started wondering why X-symmetry wasn’t working…

I think that’s when you know you are working too much…

Quote: “I think that’s when you know you are working too much”

I think you’re overreacting a bit there: finish shaving one half -> mask the shaved half -> smart re-symm and you’re done!

… working too much… tsss… .

:rolleyes: :slight_smile: .