
Oni Girl

Meet the Oni Girl!

She is a cunning little demon named Yami based on my own concept, as I interpreted the image of Oni - a horned demon from Japanese folklore.

More screenshots, WIPs & concept here, on my Artstation :point_left:

5_YuliaSokolova_Onigirl_Promo 7_YuliaSokolova_Onigirl_Portrait

Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed! :slight_smile:


Wowzers! She is beautiful. I really like her little feet :slight_smile: People usually screw up feet bad, and it just makes the character look so off. Great Job!

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Thank you @mewsuaykat
Haha, yeah, sometimes people just skip the feet and hand part because no one’s usually paying too much attention to them - everyone’s watching on the face and bigger parts :sweat_smile: But I like spending a couple of hours on all the minor details.
Glad you like it!

Your little demon has some attitude, awesome hands gesture too :wink:

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@Predator2020 Thanks a lot! Glad you like it :smiley:

Cute little demon! Not easy to translate a 2D illustration into a 3D model…I like the color palette too. Well done Yulia :wink:

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Hi @Jaime Thank you! Yes, sometimes we need to change some details to preserve the appeal in 3D :smiley: And some details can’t be faked or hidden as we do it with 2D concepts, hehe