
Old man head Study - James Whitmore RIP

How did you create the sharp wrinkle at the forehead? that looks really nice :smiley: :+1: :+1:

super impressive work, looks as if its a real photo! great job!

That does look very awesome, very slick render, the details really pop.

hi nice sculpture feel :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:


thanks everyone.

Great response!!

angeltifa - that is the area ive had most crititism, the baked cavity map in the texture has sharpened the wrinkles. Possibly too sharp.

Liam H - It was rendered in max. It has a mental ray skin shader applied with all color taken out.

I think there is around 3 million polys in total. 6 divisions. I used a combination of the clay tubes brush tool to start. And refined with the standard brush

regmonroe - Agree. Wearing a smile would definatly be more suitable for him. And a pipe.!!

thanks everyone.


nice wrinkles

thats cool!!..great detail, I’m also sculpting an old man right now, check it out let me know what you think!

Very nice work. One would say that the man is going to talk about his life right away.

If you are looking for models that donΒ΄t move at all you can maybe try this:


Have nice day.

Very nice sculpt
