
NickZ Beta Blast. (8 movies added page 32) April 2013

I have a project from the past that I never quite finished up yet. I’ve taken it off the shelf and dusted it off, put it in Z3 and here is what I have so far.

Hope to have some more updates soon!


Hope you enjoy,

NickZ. :slight_smile:



Amazing work!

Well done.

Here is something that I was working on over the weekend. I used Zapplink to rough out the textures. I still consider this a 3D sketch. When I am done it will need to be resurfaced and final textures will have to be completed.


Click on the image above to load the time lapse video.

Here are some still shots from the ZBrush Viewport.



Hope you all enjoy!

Happy sculpting!

NickZ. :slight_smile:






Great sculpt and thanks for the timelapse! I love to watch other sculpters work.


I sure hope that that head of her’s isn’t fully operational! Cool stuff!

Hey NickZ,

Killer new timelapse!! She came out very good, very nice style. About how long did that timelapse cover? Keep up the great work!

Also, what song is that in the background?

InkySpot - Glad you like.

Kerwin - I do as well…I would like to see more of them. It is hard not to with the new “movie” tab in ZBrush.

Firerbert - nope…mainly a bunch of hot air. You can see that from the exhaust holes in the back. This sculpt is still about 1/2 the way done.

Jaidek - Thanks bud! I think this had been about 2 - 3 hours. It is hard to say because I do it in chunks when I get some free time. The music is by Frequency name of the track is Aisha.

great job!!!

Awesome work Nickz !!
Many thanks for your beautiful timelapsed movies…inspirational !!


Hey Nick! Dude I love this stuff. Glad you Dusted off the Tortorsaur one of my faves from you. Dang watching that timelapes of the alien chick was awsome. Your lines when masking are so controlled and smooth. What subdivision do you mask at? higher than six? cause those lines where SMOOTH. Also if you would be so kind to tell me where zapplink is for zbrush 3. Or Does the old one work?
Keep up the awsome work! you have been inspiring me for years. Also this dork named Minoh Kim says he knows you and to say hi. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have created a new ZBrush 3.0 Overview VEOH channel.



This course will cover:

UI Changes (Including the Lazy Mouse Tool)

Sculpting Brushes

Subdivision Levels

Sub Tools


Real-time Shadows

Cavity Masking

Poly Painting

Transpose Tool

Hope this helps some people out!

NickZ. :slight_smile:



Cool. I’ll start up Veoh (already have your channel subscribed). Thanks for this.

javalabala - Thanks bud!

Lucky_1 - Glad you like! :slight_smile:

Ghost_rider - I think I am at around sub D level 5 or 6. ZApplink Beta. Thanks, like your work as well! :slight_smile: You are right Minoh is a dork but he is my bud! (Just kidding Minoh, you are a cool dude and you introduced me to the world of Street Fighter 3…me and the step sons are getting ready to have a game as we speak!)


NickZ :slight_smile:

:eek: Wow…this is very generous of you…and great vids!!

Small update.


Good night! (I’m tired!)

NickZ. :stuck_out_tongue:



very neat and clean

good work man and neat work

I watched the video, and still don’t understand how you get your lines so sharp and crisp. Maddness, maddness I say. Great stuff, thanks for sharing.

grate work so far :smiley: :white_small_square: :white_small_square: :+1: