
New Sketch book and Beta

impressive, but his left thumb is kinda messed up ;D

I really like the pose on the last sculpt.

Haven’t posted here in a while, I’ve been busy with work and such. I wanted to play with fibers and so I did a blacksmith Dwarf 2 hour sculpt WIP.

Sculpted asymmetrically from a sphere


i like it alot!! :slight_smile:
if you sculpted it completly asymmetrically than wow :smiley:
good job

thanks finn, and yea I did you can see from the brush strokes :smiley:

so I recently started a livestream channel…didn’t go so well. For those of you who missed my live stream…all you missed was my fumbling around with tech issues and a computer that sounded like it wanted to kill itself. All that aside though I did manage a sculpt from a sphere (inbetween crashes) not my best but after the dwarf I did earlier today I’m not complaining. about an hour from a sphere.



another sketch I wanted to pop up here, might finish this.

1 hour 40 min from a sphere.

Sculpted asymmetrically




Cool updates! Man, you are so quick and so good. A great inspiration.


thanks man :slight_smile:

decided to put a little more time in this and attempt to do skin shading in BPR, as well as revamp the face, textures, and begin detailing the cloth a bit.

impressive ;f It would take me 2 h just to get the shapes in, not to speak to wrap it up ;f

Thanks man :smiley:

EDIT: hi res: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-o4A4m3Ij72A/UGu7fm_3mmI/AAAAAAAADgw/iyvQtUx9uXE/s1600/g2996.png

Okay I’m going to call this one done for now :slight_smile: All BPR, All zbrush :wink:


Finished image is up

I love your work and your style which finds a place in all of your pieces.

Hey there Framed World :slight_smile:

Your anatomy skills have really blossomed…Looking Great…:+1:small_orange_diamond:)

I like the render alot on this last post of yours, but I think that maybe the FiberMesh parts could be pushed even further to match the quality of the rest of the piece…more softer in areas, and maybe some more color variation with a slight wave where the hair goes over the protrussion of the chin, to give a better sense of the underlying bone structure of that forms volume…Anyway, just throwing some thoughts your way that might be useful to you,…who knows…Keep pushin further and progressing… It’s a real pleasure seeing both happening in your thread…:+1:small_orange_diamond:)

P.S. Thanks for the visit in my thread by the way…Always welcomed and appreciated…:slight_smile:


@cherub_rock: right on man! :slight_smile:

@SpiritDreamer: Hey old friend :slight_smile: I haven’t really touched this up in photoshop, which is probably where I could get the hair to soften up. I think I might. And thanks for the complement, I think this past year I’ve really came into my own.

1 hour 25 min from a sphere

4 AM insomnia sculpt. I decided to go off of someone else’s reference, this time peter boehme. This was “inspired” by, I wasn’t trying to recreate it (I’m too drained for that). I wanted to paint the color on there in that time, so the sculpt itself is a bit sloppy, but like I care :stuck_out_tongue: Material is a combo of three different zmats I had prepared in beta. I have this one recorded, I’ll post the vid soon.

the sculpting process:


another late night sculpt, tristate never sleeps :stuck_out_tongue: anywho bellhop from a sphere, a little under an hour actually, idk we’ll call this first pass.

Fantastic expression on the bellhop Matthew, keep up the good work:+1:

That bellhop came out great! Love his face and expression!

Love it. Fun stuff.
