
-nEo- sKeTchbOOk (nudity)

wow man seems like you came a long way as far as skills go. keep it up man!!!

FLAS.jpg thank u neverink…

ok…now i m realy a noob in posing and tried my lvl best…i dint know that we had to rersculpt after posiing…and still have to work on it…
neways here it is…

Good start with your pieces. I do have a critique about your pose. It’s awkward right now and the best way to remedy it is to look at some reference of batters in American Base Ball. Pay attention to where their feet are positioned when they swing. You need to swap the weight of his body onto the back foot and his left foot should be forward. If someone were to move the way that you have him posed right now… they would really hurt their back or… break it with the size mace you have there. The other option would be to bring his arm swing forward and the mace forward inline with his step. Shoulders would be square with his hip and slightly forward in a straight line with his left femur. He would be looking where he is aiming and in this case he should be looking in line with his right femur. Keep working at it :cool:

great works

wow nicely done :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: waiting for more updates :):):slight_smile:

Hi neozerahan! Cool worx man! Your sketchbook shows a steady improvement of your skills! Keep goin’ man! :+1: !

finshed posin my duryodhan(hands are left though)…
and a lil compostition test in photoshop(i gues its lame :stuck_out_tongue: ),i wil render it in 3ds max…

thnk u eduart,etcher and agrmrs…



That´s looking reaaalllyyy cool man, I´ll follow this for sure.

david kalos-thnx,i wil not let u down…

being a hardcore warcraft fan,i wnet out of my routine way of practising the anatomy and got sum speed scuplts done to test my self…
yurnero was done in like 4 hrs…

and ilidan in 6 hrs…
here it it is…






:+1: !

etcher- thanks a lot…and u r new updates in ur sketchbook are mind blasting and fantastic…

wel…today i did a speed sculpt in 1 hr…wanted to try rake tool…and revision of face anatomy…ended up with my ownvampire prince…

and atlast colpeted my duryodhana…
check it out…




Hi Neo! Updates are lookin’ good! Might wanna’ give the hands of the duryodhana a firmer grip on the weapon (cause it looks heavy) :+1: !

etcher- u r absolutely right…mman but i m so tired of doin him that i aev taken a lil break with him:D …check this out man,realy need ur help :confused: …and thnx a lot for the eyeball tip:+1: :+1: :+1: !!!

anatomy study just to refrsh my memory…wel…i just wanna keep him like this…no detail but i wanted to aim on forms… know i have not got evrything right…thats y i posted it here…
i would realy aprcite if u guys would give me sum crits on this…realy need it…
and pls no details on this guys just the major FORMS…



I see more improvements, keep going!

A pretty good improvement from your first models. Your proportions are looking good for the proportions of a bodybuilder. Your models seems a little stiff though. The model holding a ball and chain for example, looks like the weapon is quite heavy but he isn’t being pulled down by the weight of his weapon as much as he should be. Even though he is super muscular, weight and gravity is still quite a concern for bodybuilders! Keep up the great work, if you want to improve your modeling skill I suggest drawing from life. It will help in all facets of art!


myfirst ever video…pls check it out…


soryy was not able to embed the youtube vid

Hi Neozerahan! I can give you some tips on the anatomy study if you can wait a few days, (got a lot of work to do) and I need to look up a few things for ya’. Btw, do you have acces to a copy of the book “Bridgman’s Complete Guide to Drawing from life”? Thanks for sharing the vid :+1: !

bluespot-thanx man for all the crits…i draw also frm life and tring implement it in my sculpts…

etcher-waiting for ur tips man…hope u get wel soon bro…

anatomy study of an old man-
tring to master but it turns into nothing even close to good…nyways here it is…
i gues i il not detail him…i want master forms first…
m i goin the correct way…or m i stil in the gutter…pls let me know…
thnk u…






I think you are being too critical on yourself with the older man sculpt. I actually think it is a stronger piece than the earlier muscle man and certainly a much more challenging subject. Perhaps the place to start tweaking things is to first examine what bony areas (the zygomatic process, temporal fossa, the epicondyle of the humerus etc) show on people who are very thin or malnourished, as these areas might give you a guide to the places that become more visible on an older person who is losing weight/muscle mass due to the aging process and then look at an anatomy book as to how the muscles attatch in these general areas and start making your decisions on where you want skin sagging, where tendons become close to the surface, blood vessal visibility etc.
One trick I’ve been finding useful on an ecorche study of the head I did recently which entailed some similar questions until the final “skin” layer, is not using the “smooth” brush at all until the absolutely last polishing pass and instead using the “rake” brush with a low brush modifier (approx 3 at most) and using that to blend the various structures together. The downside for this is that you need quite a few polygons to get a really fine rake job (and it takes several passes with progressively smaller rakes) so a retopologizing may be necessary and lots of memory is a must, but on the other hand the effect can be fascinating and very subtle. One way around the memory limitation, if you go this way, would be to use the “bump” material or HD geometry.
I really think this piece has a lot of merit and should be pursued aggressively since it will be very challenging and the work it will take to bring it to a final level will be very rewarding.

