
Need Help Rebinding "Edit Mode Navigation Key" (Alt key) to another key


I’m fairly new to the Zbrush community, so please forgive me if this question’s been answered somewhere before. I come from a Photoshop background, and use the spacebar to pan the canvas while painting. I’ve been scouring the internet to try and find a way to change the “alt” (default navigation button) to … literally anything else, with no success.

I was hoping someone knows of a way to do this, short of me altering my Windows registry to turn my “spacebar” key into anther “alt” key.

Thanks in advance!

Hello @Resplendency,

There is no way to do this natively in ZBrush. The Alt functionality is hard coded, and closely tied to brush functions. I would not recommend attempting to change it.

The navigation options for ZBrush can be found here .

Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

–Sigh-- As I thought. Alright well, that’s mildly inconvenient.
I understand it may be a pain in the butt w/ the coding, but I hope there may be a way to do this in the future.

Thanks for getting back to me, though! At least now I can start arranging my hotkeys accordingly =)

There’s also the possibility of a custom UI…
Played with mine a bunch, almost happy, should be a fairly recent one posted.

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Thing is, I wouldn’t mind leaving “Alt” as it is, if only I could bind another button to the same functionality.

The ergonomics behind having my hand on the CTRL and ALT keys is just strange to me. It just doesn’t feel right. And on top of all the other keyboard shortcuts you can set-up, it annoying to have to reach further out to them instead of just starting out on a part of the keyboard that has more real-estate.

Maybe I just need to get used to it more? I dunno. I’m new to Zbrush, but I’m not so new that it’s just a muscle memory thing.

Pixlogic have added 3D Connexion navigation support, so that would be another option to navigate.
Alt would still be used for brush, selection and masking use though.