
N-75 (tutorial added Pg. 2) + new movies Pg. 8

Very GOOD work, nice character design and texturing. Keep it up with the good work! :+1:

Very awesome work on the character…love all the nice shapes…congrats on the top row too!

brilliant stuff! and your breakdown is as funny as it it great! tnx for taking time! respect

really cool. i like it

Very nice work Sam! Lots of simple techniques combined together can make an awesome piece like this. Thanks also for the great breakdown! Congrats on Top Row!


Great breakdown! Thank you so much for this! Is been so long since I’ve been looking for a brakedown like yours for Photoshop renders… Thank you thank you thank you!
Maybe I missed it but what was the material that you used for the specularity pass?

Thanks again and congratz for such an amazing looking guy! Bravo!

Man U have some serious skills. I really like the style blended with old and new mechanical style superb and like the texture style too perfect for the design. Keep it up…:sunglasses:

Fun character,:stuck_out_tongue: Nice work man! Love the stash!

great work!, this will help me out thanks for the how to’s

So many great comments ! Thanks you !

Yumme: For Specularity, you can use all chrome, or reflective mat Caps, playing with paramters you can obtain greats render. I have done them at random. But the oly thing is to have a black part and powerfull spec on it, so you can pu it in screen with photoshop.

HeyCure: Yes you are right, some people said the same thing, so I will reworks this part.

Once again thanks a lot !

Really nice work. !!

Simply Awesome! Top row … congrats!!!

Awesome concept love the style!!

Wow, Sam this is amazing!!! Congratulations on the top row and huge thanks for your step by step tutorial!!! It is very insightful and will be very useful for my next project!!!

thank you so much for sharing… learned so much!!!

amazing character!!:D:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

nice job on getting top row :slight_smile:

congrat top row.:+1:

how do you use the transpose master with such a large number of poly?
because I see when using dynamesh we did not reduce some poly down anymore.
I encountered one problem when using it. my model is only about 8 mil. when selected TPosemesh then it down to 2mil. and i rig, it runs very slowly. even an error.:cry:
waiting for your advise.

thanks a lot.

Thanks :slight_smile:

With the dynamesh I cannot use the transpose master, I use just the Move/Rotate tools. But a good solution could be to use the Qremesher with the project, I have never done this, but I think it’s work well !

Hi! great work, just love the character!
