
My work from Assassin's creed 2 :)

wow, impressive work man, really clean and detailed

Can you post some images of the Ztools of some characteres?

Impressive work man. Amazing share. Thank you Collings.

very nice work indeed! you mentione one day per head, does it include textures etc?

Congrats on the Top Row! Tons of great characters in this thread! I am surprised as well at the poly count of most of them, would have thought they would be higher. Can’t wait till the game comes out for PC:D

Really nice work! Looks like a whirlwind of a project. :slight_smile:

congrats on releasing the game! the characters are looking awesome and im looking forward to playing! such rich characters and environments and im sure the story is amazing. my favorite is the heavier villain character with the black and red hooded robe. he played an evil role in that short movie too!:sunglasses: -gelfy

Fantastic work Nicolas!
It’s great to see what you did on Assassin’s creed 2! I still have to pick it up but it’s been getting great reviews across the board, so that has to feel good too, working on a critically acclaimed title.

Hi there, first of all quality work, secondly how long did you have to produce each character?

Congratz on Top Row Nicholas! Fantastic work, can’t wait to see them in in-game action. The head wall is unbelieveable! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: .

really great stuff, very impressive… :+1:

Oh jeah!! its a great great job!!

I discovered AC1 few weeks ago and I couldn’t quit playing until finishing the game. Let me congratulate you and your team for that “work of art” I love to cliff the higest tower of Damascus and see all arround. Its great and awesome!1 Im sure AC2 will be even better.

Congratulations again

Congrats Nic they look amazing!

eheh … good job … ca me rappel quelqu un il y a plus de 3ans de ca :wink: .


Another amazing top row. Great job on everything!

I think you did it !
Now the world knows your art !
Little Nico became huge !
This thread is your entry to the world greatest modelers !
( we already knew it, just the world didn’t know…)

Sans rire, c’est du grand art Nico ! On voit à quel point tu as progressé ces dernières années !
Vraiment beau job !
Je vais vite aller m’acheter le jeu et je pourrais dire à mes potes que je connais le gars qui a fait tel et tel personnage !
Dis, tu peux m’envoyer un autographe ?

English mode translation:
I am not kidding, this is art Nico !
We can see how you pushed your level up these last years. Great job.
I will run and buy the game and I could tell to my friends that I know the guy who made these characters !
May you send me an autograph ?


Great work! Congrats!

Amazing job !:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:. very instructive. the amount of work is impressive.

Great work!
The game is fantastic, but your work is … incredible!
My respect.


thank you very much everybody !
and thanks pixologic for the top row :slight_smile:

bravo nicolas, ton travail merite completement le top row