
MrNunez Sketchbook

You’re welcome Jhon, I tried different workflows for hard-surface and this one was the one best suit to my needs tbh. Best :smiley:

Nice work on this nasty looking character.

Thanks 3dds!

Zbrush exercise to work more on different body shapes and anatomy. Hope you can recognize him :smiley:






excellent anatomy

Ohhhhhman lovin your ninja!!! but he is all alone? where is yolandi!!! awesome stuff top row!!! I am addicted to DIE ANTWOORD loved them in chappie!!!

This is a suuuuper cool sculpt ! So realistic and recognizable ! Will you paint his tatoos ?
Nice anatomy also, I should try something like this ! It looks super interesting to do.


I recognized him, as soon as I saw him, really good anatomy, and great texture on the skin details, really like this piece. I have only one critique and I hate critiquing, but maybe this could help you sell the piece more, the folds and everything about the boxers look great, I would say maybe thicken the material of the boxers though, as they look almost paper thin around the edges.maybe inflating using deformation or something. Other than that, this is impressive. The hair is also ridiculously good.

Thanks very much guys!! I am very glad you can recognize him:D

I still dont have the plan to sculpt Yolandi as have some other projects in head but Im sure I will!

I probably will work his textures. At this point I wanted to work more on the likeness sculpt, so get as close as possible with no other elements (i.e: tattoos). Once I have some time, I will work on the textures :wink:

Love these images! Immediately recognized Ninja (from Chappie) in the preview thumbnail on ZSee.
Excellent realism.

Hey guys,

I have been a while without posting but got busy at home :D. Lately I have been working on the sculpt from the concept by Blake Rottinger.

My artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artist/mrnunez
Blake’s artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artist/blakerottinger

Since I saw it from the first time, I felt in love with the idea and the style, that reminds a lot to “The Division”. I have tried to follow as much as possible Blake’s concept, though decided to give a different orientation on the head as I wanted a more aged character. In fact, I have used Jeffrey Dean Morgan to sculpt the face, as I love most of his face expression and to be fair, he has a cool bear, LOL.

The jacket and pants has been started in Marvelous Designer to get the main folds. From there I exported the mesh and sculpted all the details, sub-folds and refine the shape. Remain character is 100% zbrush, working with polygroups and standard sculpt.

I hope you like it.

Any C&C are more than welcome!!!











Some people also requested a tutorial on how I created the fur on the hoody. I hope is clear:

  • First you will need to divide the fur depending on the orientation. I decided to create 3 fibermesh separated
  • The “gravity” value in fibermesh, depends on the canvas orientation. Set up the gravity curve, play with the intensity and make sure you orient the sculpt accordingly so the fibers falls as they should be
  • You repeat the same for each fibermesh level.




1 Like

dude this character is amazing! Congrats on your work!! Will you post more tutorials besides the fur? Thank you so much for the info and keep making them (characters)! :smiley:

THanks Andres Lopes,

I will try to create a guide on the creation of the jacket, using Marvelous and Zbrush. Hopefully will post it soon. Anything just shout and will try to cover it in a tutorial.

Also feeling like make an streaming instead in https://sywork.tv/, so you can see the workflow real-time.

Will post soon anyway!

Sywork would be awesome :smiley: Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Amazing sculpt, beautifully rendered … I love the minimal use of color. Keep up the awesome work.

Congratulations on top row! When I saw these, I had a feeling.
Very well done and thought out. Thanks for the explanations!

Woohooo!! Just saw it now! Can’t believe it, thanks Zbrush guys :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


I will post soon a guide on how I did the Jacket as already have various requests on this!

Some close ups renders I forgot to post before :stuck_out_tongue:





Video: 360 Turntable

I have created a turntable from the character, so you can check it out from all angles.

Hope you like it!

[Winter Operative - Sculpt presentation](https://vimeo.com/141912325) from [Mr.Nunez](https://vimeo.com/mrnunez) on [Vimeo](https://vimeo.com). Sculpt presentation from my character "Winter Operative"

Website: www.mrnunez.com
Software: Zbrush, Marvelous Designer, Keyshot
Concept: Blake Rottinger
Music: C.J.ROGERS - Arena