
Morgan freeman for Dark knight rises(Mobile game)

Woah… awesome sculpt !

To me… the skin shader, the eyes… and the mustache are just insanely perfect… There’s a little something with the hairs that feels a bit unnatural… but I can’t quite put the finger on what it is.

Anyway… congrats for the top row !


This is absolutely outstanding. I’ve seen a lot of CG Morgan Freemans over the years and this is definitely my favourite!

I agree with you about the eye. at the beginning I didnt think I will give him a expression.It will be better If i can give the eyes a angle .but so far it cant be changed very much. 96% is complishment.

  • AJ Jefferi : thanks
  • jkemp : I hate his hair. I know hair is bad. Need more research on it
  • jit_gohil :thanks
  • Gilberto Magno :thanks for supprot

Really awesome work!

Awesome work!!:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Awesome work!

Great, I would like to see more of your work :D. I have a small question. How did you do the lighting of your model?

great model - render of a great actor !!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: congrats !!

Outstanding work!!! Don’t think this could be any better. :slight_smile:

great work zboot!
I hope to be posting one day in your league!
keep on posting your work please. really motivating.
could you show an image of your low poly and high poly?

The quality is superb. Extremely lifelike. Something for me to aspire to as I learn ZB

This is incredible, and it’s artists like yourself that inspire me to want to learn Zbrush.

If I may, how long did it take you to do this? Sculpting and texturing?


the lighting qiute normal. 3 light and hdr map

It’s more anatomically correct. You can’t see it but usually there is an outer sphere (cornea) that has transparency and it refracts the light as it hits the iris. Painting the eyes on the eyeball is a dead giveaway that something is fake. Study human eye anatomy. This is not always the case for every eye. Sometimes certain animals will have a convexity to their iris and refracts light in a different way.

quite long. I think more than one month

Awesome work, well done to you :smiley:

Congratulations on Top Row~!! I really like your 3d art. perfect~!!

Don’t know about how things evolve abroad , but here in the Netherlands we have yet to see a mobilegame with characters with the amount of detail you made, very nice :wink:

oh man***65281; great***65281;