

Yep – FIIIIINAAAALY! :slight_smile:
I saw you´ve started a second creature? Whew!
That´s cool!
I´ll definitely enter with a second creature, too.
A totally different one. Funny and with personality. :slight_smile:
That´ll be a lot of stress for sure BUT also a lot of fun.
I guess you´re working hard on the next update - as always? :slight_smile:

Hey, thank you very much for the suggestions.
That´s a great idea with the leg-horns. I´ll definitely change that. :slight_smile:
That´ll look so much better!
Regarding the eyes – I´m sure they won´t look like the concept-sketch in the end. I just can´t paint in 2D what I have in mind.
I´ll try variable sizes and shapes and different places for the eyes during the modeling process. It´s so much easier for me to do it in 3D.
Thanks again! :+1:

Hi YONA, OOooh… the anatomy… DON`T SPEAK THE WORD AGAIN!:smiley:
I really hope it won´t look too chaotic in the end. But as long as you can see what´s the head and what´s the butt it´s all good for the time being. Hehe :slight_smile:
Thank you very much – I wish you good luck, too.

Thank you very much! Don´t you want to participate, too? :slight_smile:

Hey Etcher, thank you very much! Well…the horse anatomy is a new personal challenge and I like challenges. :slight_smile:

Cool that you remember my computer problems.:slight_smile:
I wish I wouldn´t! Me and computers (and btw EVERYTHING with a cable or a battery) --> disaster! grin
I´m looking forward to seeing what´ll happen during this contest.
I really caaan´t wait. :laughing:
Hope to see your new update soon. :wink:

Hello und ahoi ihr Kameraden. :slight_smile:
Sorry, ich wusste nicht, dass es Euch interessiert mit dem Konzept.
Habe es aber auch total vergessen.
Wir haben ja alle auch nur kurz mit Euch geplaudert gestern.

Aber schön zu hören, dass ihr es mögt.:slight_smile:
Ich mache noch ein zweites. Ein lustiges mit Persönlichkeit.
Okidoki, bis später. Machts gut!

W.I.P – 01

First update.
Quick Zsphere BaseMesh and I started with blocking out the main shapes.
I´ll add the horns as SubTools in a few days.

I have to go out for a walk with the dogs now, then I´ll continue sculpting.
I guess today I´ll go to bed veeery late. :slight_smile:

See you soon.

C+C as always welcome.

Excelent zsphere start! you will jump onto details soon :smiley:

that worked really well.
very nice zsphere horse :slight_smile: :+1:

Great start on the horse, and great sketch too, (only the eyes… I’m not a big fan of multiple eyes…but hey go nuts on your design e.g. have a great time Moni) and I have got your message at cgcoach, sorry for the delay.

Thank you very much! :slight_smile: I want to see Guna at ZBC, too. :slight_smile:

Disco Stu:
Hey, thank you very much! :slight_smile:
Btw, where´s your entry? You´ve said that you´re already working on it?

Thank you very much, Lucky. :slight_smile:
Hm…the eyes… well… I´m still not sure about the final look. Hope the 3pairs of eyes will look good in the end. Let me know what you think then. :slight_smile:
Regarding my message - no problemo. Since I hate this email chat stuff i don´t check my messages often. Therefore I didn´t wonder why I got no straight reply. Just wanted to know if you´re the ZBC Lucky. :slight_smile:

W.I.P – 02

I´m still busy with blocking out the main shapes. :slight_smile:
It´s looking like a normal horse at the moment.
But I´ll change the look dramatically - later.
First I have to focus on the …hrrr…:evil: anatomy.
I save the best for last. :wink:


And here´s a timelapse video. Sorry for the bad quality. Hard to see what I´m doing but I don´t know how to get better results. :confused:
Oh and feel free to turn the music off. :wink:

C+C are more than welcome.

YEAH ! Eric pridz piano :slight_smile:
very good sculpt ! good job !
For your vidéo
Try vimeo, result will be better :+1:

I have to say that horses are the hardiest thing to sculpt. And you are going in an excellent direction. Congrats!
Maybe his/her back is too down you should upper it.
Excellent start for the rest!

ps: (did you notice that i’vent done any update this week? what’s going on with me?)

Hey Moni! It’s looking good.

Maybe it is a bit narrow from the top view. See this if it helps: http://www.dkimages.com/discover/previews/845/95020105.JPG

Hi Moni, very good.
Small critiques from what I can see, it looks a bit like his neck needs aligning with the spine and maybe it’s a bit short, and then, as it’s already been said, it looks a bit thin from the front, they are quite wide actually, they have a massive ribcage. Excellent work though.

Hey Monja, what great new posts! Really made me smile! Great use of Polyspheres and strong initial sculpt: it’s great to see how you keep away from higher polycounts and manage to give the sculpt a strong feeling of volume and muscle. I saw it comin’ on Deaf destiny and the cougar: you and anatomy… that’s going to work out great. :slight_smile: . Watched the video this morning while enjoying my cup o’ coffee - was great to see you at work- thanks for posting! So looking forward to the updates!

Hey Moni,

Your latest update is looking really cool, your sculpting is really improving:D Keep up the good work mate, make me keep coming back to see your progress.

daaaaaaaa steeeeeeeeht eiiiiiinnnn… pferd auf´m fluuur…ein großes pfäääärd auf´m FLUR…LA LA LA :stuck_out_tongue:
nice horse man !! and JAck ?! just remember…you…YOU are … my number one! and don´t forget you fortune bringing cards wHAHAHAHAAHAAAAA

by the way…who the f… are C+C ? do I have to know them?? :o

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:
I´ve tried vimeo but it crashes steadily if I start uploading my video.
I think it´s my :evil: computer devil !
He loves to make mischief during contests. :smiley:

Hey YONA, thank you so much for the ongoing support and the suggestions. :slight_smile: I hope the back looks better now. Please let me know what you think.

PS: Yeah, of course I noticed that!
I´m glad you´ve updated in the meantime. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much, undoz! :slight_smile:
And the ref-pic helped a lot! I hope it looks better now.
Thank you! And once again – I love your materials!
5x :+1: :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:
For the compliments and the suggestions, both!
Great you´ve entered, too!
Pickmebat rocks! She´s so sweet! As I said on cgCoach – I´d pick here. Immediately! :slight_smile:

Hey Etcher, thank you very much! Glad to hear you like it. :slight_smile:
I´m still not confident with the anatomy but I think it´s getting better.
Are you ready for a coffee? I´ve a new video for you. :wink:

He ho, thank you very much for the compliment, benny!
I´ll check your thread later. I hope to see a new update then. :slight_smile:

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ??? :laughing:
Just for your info – I had another song in mind:
sing “Da hat das rooote Pferd sich einfach umgekeeehrt…” applauds for herself
But I don´t know which one is better. They are both… erm…yep…:roll_eyes:
and my voice…my voice… Germany´s next superstar. :smiley:

Last but not least – here´s a deal: If you tell me who´s JAck I´ll tell you who´s C+C.

W.I.P – 03

Although it´s been weekend and I´ve been at home yesterday+today, too, I didn´t have much time for Zbrush.
A few words should bring light into the darkness:
BBQ, dogs, friends, cat+vet, family…
Any questions? :slight_smile:

Nevertheless I´ve spent a couple of hours working on my new update.
(50% Zbrush 50% youtube …hrrrr :evil: )

I thought it was time to start working on the tails. But don´t pay too much attention to them since they still need a lot more work.
I guess I have to spend another couple of hours until I´ll be satisfied.
I´ve also started with the mutation.
Erm… I´m talking about the horse … hahaha. :wink:
But it´s just the beginning.

Here are the new W.I.P pics

moni cgcoach wip update -- 03.jpg

…and a new W.I.P timelapse video, too.
Here´s also the first W.I.P video again (I´ve uploaded it again and I think the quality is a little bit better now. At least you can see the yellow circle ^^)

I had to shorten my second video due to the fact that youtube doesn´t allow uploads of videos which are bigger than 1GB, so the part where I´ve started sculpting the three pairs of eyes is missing now.
Actually I wanted to cut out another scene but…well…seems like my fingers did something else. :slight_smile:

Anyway,here you go:

W.I.P video – 01


W.I.P video – 02


Let me know what you think.
C+C are most welcome.

PS: Can somebody tell me why my pictures always look so blurred?
If I export images out of Zbrush I export them as BMP.
And they look cool! But I can´t upload BMP files at ZBC. I guess because of the file-size?
I don´t have Photoshop and if I want to add a lettering I have to convert the BMP images into Jpeg images. And those Jpeg pictures look so… :-1: :-1: :-1:
Do I miss something important?


moni cgcoach wip update -- 03b.jpg

Wow. looks really good. I would lengthen the body a bit. Seems a little short. The third smaller eye seems a bit out of place. I would put it within the center of the head and not off to the side so he can look straight up.

Either that or lengthen the head as well.

Keep up the good work.

Great stuff Monja! Love the mean smirk on the head! Great new vid (no coffee this time - cola…). On the bitmap stuff, maybe Gimp can help out (didn’t use it myself though…). Go moni go! :+1: !

Very cool stuff Moni! :+1:

Thanks for sharing videos !
it’s good to see you in action !
Cool progress on the model :+1:

Thank you very much! Yep, I think you´re right – the body was a little bit too short.
I changed the overall proportions slightly. Well, I´m still not satisfied. :slight_smile:

Regarding the eyes –
I don´t know what you mean with “I would put it within the center of the head and not off to the side so he can look straight up.”
Sometimes my school english… :rolleyes:
I changed the place for the smallest pair… I think it´s better now… but I´m still not sure if this will be the final position.
Thanks again for the advice. :slight_smile:

Hey, thank you very much! :slight_smile:
I have no video for you today. I´ve decided to spend my time with Zbrush…not with youtube problems.:wink:
And I still haven´t figured out how to get better pictures.
I guess the problem is JPG itself. I read somewhere that it´s because it´s a compressed image format.
Hm… well… I keep on searching and I hope I´ll find a zolution. :wink:
I´ve never heard of Gimp before but I´ll check it out.
Thank you. :slight_smile:

Captain Sensible:
Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! :slight_smile: Glad to hear you like the videos. I´d love to upload more but it takes 10 hours to upload ONE video! And it often crashes in the last 5 minutes!
Ooh I hate my PC… (but I hope he doesn´t read this now). :smiley:

WIP – 04

I´ve worked on the head today… and a little bit here and there.:slight_smile:
I don´t know why he has the three-everything and only two ears.
And why did I decide he has two mouths? It´s kind of illogical, isn´t it? :slight_smile:
Argh, that´s so typically me. :rolleyes:

Here´s my plan for tomorrow:
-detailing the ears
-…the hoofs
-…the tails
and the part on his head where the horns will come out of his body.

Anyway – here´s what I´ve got so far:

moni wip 04.jpg

C+C more than welcome.


moni wip 04-2.jpg

First :slight_smile:
I like especially the noise !
we already seen that the sculp will be very very Good and his attitude seems to be very interesting.
One other thing , for the double mouth, did you try make the lower lips for the second ?
(ps: i think, your pc is a friend of mine, same problem :lol:)
Keep on progress !

I´m back…Im drunk…I´m tired…I´m scared…6 eyes… 2 mouths…3 tales…but it´s cool… vere is my bed…good night…

where…is…there is my bed…plums