
Monday Night Challenge #2

I see! My fault!
Thank you on the toonshader too. :slight_smile:

Very impressive images folks! well done

Waaay Cool Mentat, i feel inspired.

Watch out! Itā€™s ā€œBallerina Girlā€ Da dada. :wink: She as agile as a puma and can punch as hard as a kangeroo with those high kicks. The edges of her dress are tipped with blades so beware of thoses twirls! Next time you are being insulted for doing ballet, donā€™t call for your teacher, donā€™t call for your Mummy. No, Call forā€¦Ballerina Girl!!! :smiley:

(Iā€™m not sure the look of it is very cartoony but I did use the Toon material on itā€¦with a few changes.)

Agile as a pumaā€¦ Bellerina Girlā€¦ well well ā€¦ :slight_smile: ā€¦ :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


at this time, itā€™s my finished work.
may be, another day Iā€™ll update itā€¦ :slight_smile:

nice use of the eraser tool :+1: :+1:

Very cool Spawn feel Fouad!
:sunglasses: :+1: :+1: :+1: :sunglasses:

ahhh - thats primo stuff, all of you - and congraz, Fouad - to me it looks like a terrifico Kirby-tribute - he would have loved that eraser-bubble-job you have done, i bet!

  • juandel

IDOL-Man update:

OH, yeah, original Idol design is from Pixolatorā€™s Golden Rusted Idol tutorial, for those few who didnā€™t know it.

ā€˜Pencilā€™ and ā€˜Inkā€™ versions included. :wink:


ALL ZBrush, except for the text and the border. JLM

:large_orange_diamond: I used AA/Half, and I use Lighting and Materials together, to achieve the effects.

:large_orange_diamond: To get a decent shadow, about 150 rays minimum must be used. Some render time is required.

:red_circle: It was easier to just give you the files than to create a detailed tutorial. Obviously, you can learn exactly how to do it by examining the settings on the Lights and Materials.



I canā€™t remember for sure from my experiments, but I think I used the C and D .ZLI file with the C .ZMT file.


<font color="#949494" size=ā€œ1ā€> November 04, 2002 Message edited by: Jaycephus </font>

I almost decided not to enter this challenge, because I was having so much trouble with the toonshader material. I found that you get the best results when you exaggerate the joints and other ā€œmeetingā€ areas on the body. This is my entry, known as ā€œWhite Lightningā€

Edit: I hope nobody minds a second versionā€¦after looking at the first, I thought maybe a change in the mask and a utility belt might help the overall image.

<font color="#949494" size=ā€œ1ā€> November 02, 2002 Message edited by: Slosh </font>

Slosh, his gear Rocks!!
Jay you have to spill your guts on those two images manā€¦BEAUTIFUL!
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Thanks a TON for the info Jay!!

<font color="#949494" size=ā€œ1ā€> November 04, 2002 Message edited by: Mahlikus The Black </font>

thx guys for comments :slight_smile:

hey! Jay you render effect black/white is really great!
I love it!

Slosh! nice work !! :smiley: :+1:

<font color="#949494" size=ā€œ1ā€> November 02, 2002 Message edited by: Fouad B. </font>

Have I seen Idolman somewhere before? :wink: Butā€¦how did you get the sketch look in the first picture?!? I assume it was done in Zbrushā€¦how???

Wow Jay!!!
How do you make your black and white toon shader?
Can you post your material (please for a little newbieā€¦)

Nice work Brianā€¦he looks charged and ready.

Jaycephus please share your technique with us. The black outlines look very uniform. Did you do them outside of ZBrush?

that is a great effect Jay (the black and white). I have been thinking about doing someting similar. How did you achieve your great black and white effects?

My first hapless attempt at B&Wā€¦

Iā€™m headed back in for another go!
Jay youā€™ve really hit a big one there! :smiley: :+1: :+1: :+1:

MTB, that looks great to me! any pointers that you care to share?

Is it all materials and lights or is there more to it than that?