

That is some sick modeling, always wanted to learn XSI

Awesome! Almost crying out for some kind of a vent or something on the chest front :+1:

sweet!! nice detail!! :cool:

Hey guys,

I’ve decided its time to end this character, I’m not happy with overall model, so Ive decide to leave it as is.

Here is one last render to sum the model up,nothing fancy, just something ****y quickly put together.
There is so much detail in this model, but its hard to show it all in one render.



Looking great!!

Now you just gotta texture him :D:D

Keep it up man:+1:

  • Ty

you should texture him, it doesent have to be now,do it once when you feel its time to do it, but it would be worth it. really it is a very good work.
…and then top row for me :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

The overall look is great but I’m wondering how he would move many of the joints, like the legs which already have a number of parts stopping them from moving forward or back…maybe those parts are still wip? :slight_smile:

Too bad you decided to stop, I was looking foward to the weaponary, he looks like a heavy power lifter, I was sure with all those huge machinery fittings he was going to be carrying something big, like a tank with a trigger, hehe. He still looks cool, maybe you got a few great ideas for the next one.

Kravit- I totally understand what you are saying. I think you just need a break and do something else. Maybe you can come back to it in a few months and you will see how great it looks :smiley:

I hope you pick it up again because it really looks great man

yeah…too bad if this wicked piece just to be left like that…would like to see some more

Damn Mike. Awesome work man. Pity you dropping this.

Cheers guys

Tyrone M - Cheers dude

brettSinclair - thanks brett, yeah maybe il pick it it up later.
Love your work btw

zayacoon- Would be nightmare to texture this, just take too long to do it. Prob not worth it since wont be used for anything special.

Point - I was planing on making huge gun he would use, where ammo would be fed to the gun from the ammo barrel on his back.

3Point14- yeah those plates are too close, their actually old plates i moved over from an older revision since i liked the look.

Here silly little render, my rendering skills suck.


that’s hardcore modeling yo! best of luck

impressive work Mike :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Theres a lot of details you could sculpt in zbrush, small pannels, welding lines, rivets, low volums plugs…
It would save you a lot of modeling time.

Great modeling

Sebcesoir - Doing those details zbrush limits ability to move/recycle parts and change things while concepting in 3D .
I’m really not fan of hard edge modeling for mechanical models in zbrush.

May take little longer in some areas, But it can also be faster in other areas.

I really don’t think you should quit it…Have you ever heard of Robotech? It was a cartoon way back in the day that has similar artwork to what you are doing in this piece!! You should look it up and see if you can come up with something or more inspiration to finish it. I like it man. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

If you need a break from this thing do it, but i really think it’s a shame not to put in some hands. Then you’d have a “finished” piece instead of a WIP. I don’t know what else you were gonna add but just putting in some hands will make it look final for a portfolio.

oo MEGAhertz oo - I’ve never heard of robotech,ill be sure to look it up.

Art-Machine - Cheers dude, well i do have something else in the works that should be pretty cool and maybe il come back to this :slight_smile:

Heres something im messing around with for fun, just quick paint over in photoshop.

the modeling looks great, but the texturing could use a lot of work. the work edges are a little sloppy. not enough color variation on the blue. too clean as well. baking out an AO map would help improve the texture as well