
Microsoft Surface Book

I just bought Microsoft Surface Book in order to work with Zbrush, but I just read that Zbrush is not fully compatible with Ntrig Technology which is what the Surface Book is based on.

What exactly are the incompatibility issues with it?

I have encountered one so far, and it is that it doesn’t have that pen button for selecting brushes. That can be annoying, but maybe there’s a work around?

It is also running windows 10. Hopefully zbrush works for windows 10?

You will need Surface hub to adjust the pressure curves. That way you don’t have to push super hard on the screen. N-trig works decent on zbrush and has pressure sensitivity. The biggest issues it the words and icons are really small and to use reference images you have to scale the screen to about half the size so even less space to work.

I’m not getting any pen pressure sensitivity at all on my Surface Book running ZB 4r7. I can glide the pen for a bit with no input at all and then as I press, there is a sudden threshold when I get 100% pressure and it stays there no matter how hard I press. If I back off the pressure enough eventually I hit the bottom of the threshold and I get no stroke again. Is that what you are seeing or are you getting some pressure variation? My hardware doesn’t seem to be broken\defective because I can see a pretty reasonable variation of pen pressure in my strokes in applications like Art Rage.

Also, I didn’t realize that the only way to adjust the pen pressure curves is through the Surface Dock…? So you need a separate piece of hardware to adjust the curves on the pen? Seems crazy it wouldn’t be through software.

Hi Chan,
Have you tried downloading wintab off the Microsoft site? It fixed the problem for me.
Another thing for using onscreen keys, you can download radial menu or tabletmousepc. Then you have to for now, set it to left hand touch buttons to improve the performance.

Hi Ahnslaught, thanks for the response. The WinTab drivers did the trick! RE: Radial Menu. I took a look at that and while its certainly a cool idea, i think it suffers from the fact that since its another app, when you press on it, it takes focus away from ZB so the next time i put my pen down in the ZB window, instead of sculpting, its just switching focus back. I’m actually going to try getting a small bluetooth keyboard that i can just have hanging out on my left side so i can access all the hotkeys i need without having to eat up screen space with an on-screen menu and lose application focus. Hopefully that works! :slight_smile:

thanks again!

i want the surface book too. how is it working for yow now. can you just use a mouse without the pen?