
Michael Jackson - Thriller

Sculpted and textured in ZBrush
Rendered in Cinema 4D with Arnold

Jackson-2 Jackson-3
Jackson-W1 Jackson-W2 Jackson-W3 Jackson-C3


Fabulous sculpt and texturing on your first post!!!
You nailed it! :clap:small_orange_diamond:clap:small_orange_diamond:clap: :star_struck:

Welcome to ZBrushCentral HADIKARIMI :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks a lot @Jaime
Btw it’s not my first post :slight_smile:

:joy: you’re right, just went back to your profile and saw the other realistic personalities!! Fantastic works HADIKARIMI all around!! Are theese just for art or commissioned for a particular industry?

Keep going I’m enjoying… :wink:


Well done! Like it!

Brilliant !!!


Looks fantastic! Great work on the hair!
Ben | 3D Gladiator

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none commissioned, all personal works :slight_smile:
thanks everyone for your nice words!

Amazing work!!! great detail and wonderful color


Such a jaw dropping job like always! Dear Hadi, You are so awesome… :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Very like to watching your art! It is very inspiring! Could you please tell about hair… what software do you use to create them?
Thank you,

That is truly amazing work, brilliant version of a megastar in his prime! Love it!