
Meats Meier Sketchbook

LD - I’m thinking that the wheels are wide enough that it would stay upright. Otherwise, I guess some small wheels could come out and hold it up if needed. Thanks!

Space Samurai (wip) -








Superb renders on those two latest images :+1:!

Makes me gasp every time. I would love to not only see and unedited video cap of you working in Z but also, I think we all would love a video of a history animation. Only thing I do not like about a history animation is that it is relative to the selective tool and not an absolute (global) history animation. Hope that makes sense and hope Pixologic works on this for a future release… Thanks for sharing, I really do miss the Meats posts. This warms my heart. You and Ztevie-Rae have always been my Go-To guys for crazy intricate work in Z. Good to have you back here man…Like Grandma’s Cookies. :smiley: :+1:

PS - Look at that amazingly crazy Z-UI! What Res are you rocking on that Monster Monitor?! Crazy! So jealous…

congrats for this piece , beautyful renders too

Dope!! Glad to see new works from you Meats.

I think its the HP ZR30w Montitor with funky 2560 x 1600 pixels … but crazy UI! Love it… :lol:

Edit: And its just a true Meats Meier … recognized it in a second from the thumbnail!
Your style is so unique, wonderful!

Very cool stuff! Your stuff makes me want to zbrush more! Very inspiring.

Holy Smoke! These are so darn cool! :sunglasses:

So good to have you back!:+1: :slight_smile:


Such amazing details.
So cool to see new stuff from you.

I started my first ZBrush steps with your DVD INTRODUCTION TO ZBRUSH 3 and was hooked since then.
I really dig your way how to explain ZBrush and would love to see a new DVD from you.

thanks for all your inspiration and sharing your workflow!

Welcome back Maestro!

Is is wonderful to see you again…And your artistic style IS the style of why Zbrush was born… :slight_smile: (or better the style that only
digital art could achieve…)…Long life to digital art and its King…the great,insuperable and unbeatable Meats Meier…

Really happy to admire your last artwork…

…of the details! :sunglasses:

Crazy, man! Crazy!

What a nice works! Wonderful.

Thanks guys, I really apreciate the nice comments. Sangius is correct on the monitor. Love it, has so much space. Still would love to be able to put stuff on my second monitor, then I would have full res goodness to sculpt in.

Great as always! Looking forward to your next ZBrush DVD!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Unbelievable! Beautiful. Can you post more views of angry Gary? Thx. Coolest thing i’ve ever seen!

Great attention to detail Meats. Your matcaps and renders are incredible!

insane details … that’s a lot of work, keep it up :+1: