
May 2005: ZBC Hits 50,000 Member Milestone

Congratulations goes to Pixologic for a great job developing what is a very innovative and outstanding unmatched product on the computer graphics market. The magic 50,000 user count says alot about the success of Zbrush and so does all the impressive creations alot of the artists on here have created during the years. On a sidenote… i like the good communications between the developers and the users on here, it’s not like Micro$oft :stuck_out_tongue: hehe

Keep up the good job everybody! :smiley: :+1:

/ Max

That is some milestone. Congratulations :+1:

Thank you for the years gone by. I never knew what a wonderful journey I set myself on when I pressed the button to purchase ZBrush, and I have not regretted it for a second. I remember the first 2-3 months of using ZBrush as full of wonder and slight anguish at trying to understand everything Z wise. I even had dreams about ZBrush for a while. Fortunately the dreams subsided or else Pixologic would be countering a huge law suit :wink:

But then again, it is my good fortune that the enchantment of ZBrush still wears on. After 3 years using the program there is still something magical about ZBrush. If you ever forget what that is then clear your thoughts, start ZBrush and select the Sphere3D tool.

Right now I cannot wait to see everything ZBrush has to offer, now as well as in the future. But no more disturbing ZBrush dreams, ok ?:slight_smile:

A big, fat congratulations also from my side! Keep rocking, you guys! :slight_smile:

To Zbrush, as the testament in 3d graphics, to the proper application of Reason and Logic - holding the REAL as ones standard - and the great joy, which in essence is ones realisation to motive-POWER, that one may derive from it! Thankyou Pixologic.

For this momentous occasion, something that I have longed to know, perhaps you will consider preparing an article on how the initial idea of Zbrush developed, philosphically and technologically, in which course I’m hopefull that we will get a glimpse of Pixolaters face.( Unfortunantly I like to engage my self in ‘hero-worship’ :smiley: )

Some special minds to thank, in no particular order, as they relate to my experince at ZBC : Ken Brilliant, Skyecastle, AmbientWisper, Comeyo, TVeyes, Aurick, Southern, Marcel and MTB for all the cool Monday Night Challenges :smiley: - at least, that are on memory atm.

These were the threads that shaped the corner stone of my understanding of Zbrush as a modelling tool : KB Alien Modelling, Unified Skinning by KB, Babushka Modelling by KB.


Hello Y’all

Just want to post and say hello, May I know my membership number. I might not be included in the 50.000 members cause ZbrushCentral is steadily growing day by day to this incredible hulk of a program and website.

Love the Z’s


zlasty…49356 or so.:smiley:

I’ve been trying to post… The Ottawa International Animation Festival was a hit so far - Zbrush is getting a lot of play. Expect calls from Framestore and Nelvanna. :slight_smile: ) Where’s my Scoobie Snack??

OK, Zbrush memories…

Version 1.5 did it for me. We were using the ILM Cubber Mapping technique for texture and displacement on these awesome characters for a show. It was taking more than a month per character start to finish and of course six maps each texture and six displacement, then cleaning up the seems in Photoshop. If a change was needed, I really, really glared at people.

That said, we got a hold of a copy directly from the powers that be, and I handed the newest and most detailed character to our best. Tae Youn Kim, she just looked at me and laughed behind her hand like all Korean gals do. ‘No way am I going to use this new app and model and texture/displace this character.’ - game over Thursday night!

Monday afternoon she waves me down and has a full character, textures and displacements done and test renders, it was stunning! We were sold, organized a deal for quite a few copies long before Weta started getting all that credit. I still remember the crew over at Jim Henson’s not believeing we could animate the next character, he was so detailed.

Keep up the great work Pixologic! :wink:


I can’t believe how much this community has grown. ZBrush was my first stab at computer art, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I know I don’t get in here very often anymore…I do lurk once in awhile and comment every now and then. Mostly, it’s because there are so many new members and so many posts, I don’t feel like I can give it the attention I used to. I can remember coming home from work everyday and firing up the computer as I came in the door. Then I would spend the next couple of hours reading every post. I made so many friends in here and learned so much about our craft. ZBrush Central has been invaluable to me.

It was nice reading this post and seeing so many familiar old names that I haven’t seen in such a long time: to name a few, Wenna, Cameyo, Dr. JJWow, Frenchy (of course!), aminuts, TVEyes, WingedOne (Hi!), digits…

I have forgotten, in my thirst to try other applications, how much fun ZBrush has always been. I have lost many, many, many hours of sleep (as have all of you) with ZBrush, from 1.23b all the way up to ZB2.

The level of talent has grown in our users…I see posts in here that I don’t think I could come close to keeping up with, and I used to think I was in the top tier. How’s that for ego? LOL; most of the people here have no idea who I am, and most of the older users probably have forgotten me.

Well, I think that shows it’s high time to get back into the thick of things. Look for more posts from me, and I hope I can achieve the level you have all set here. If you compare ZBrush art with many of the other programs out there, ZBrush artists really excell. I’ve seen Lightwave and Maya contributions that don’t touch what I see here. Keep up the good work.

Congratulations to ZBrush Central on 50,000 members, and kudos to all of you who contribute and inspire.

Brian (a.k.a. Slosh)

Now we are about 56,366:). WOW. Wait after the new version comes out.:smiley:

Wonder how many there actually are?
You have to figure that all the older members are signed
in here with about 5 names apiece.
I ,for instance ,am really Pilou, Monster Maker and Aminuts:D
4 for me.
If you think ,we may have only about 1000 members here with creative
imaginations and a lot of time on their hands.
Seriously can tell I’m old, remember the celebration at 10000.:cry:

Sorry, I was logged in as bicc39 when I wrote the previous message, actually it’s 5 for me!


Happy birthday ZBC!!!
It’s a lovely place to be, just wish I had joined before!!!

from number 30703 Nanoo nanoo!
(BTW I often get palindome numbers in my life… e.g. I graduated 20 02 2002, must be the improbability drive)

Hi Slosh. I browsed through your user gallery and it’s pretty nice. I look forward to seeing more.


I just started with 3D…and ZBrush, and I´m sold
No wonder it became so popular, -also the site itself…very educational and very,very inspiring.
So much brilliant art, so many brilliant artist :slight_smile:

Glad I heard about this new world

![Study comb.jpg|591x443](upload://teR2fFXnR6dLyRIZK5UCLgcq7O5.jpeg)

MUHAHAAH…may i present to you people my FIRST EVER CREATED Zbrush CHARACTER whos name is:

insane laugh


OMG! even though my pics is waaaaaaay of realism or anything what can be labeled as beautifull…
I CANT believe i am DRAWING 3d RIGHT HERE on the SPOT!
I Cant Believe the FLEXIBILTY of this PROGRAM!
And WHY OHH WHYYY…did i found out about this just a MONTH Ago???
picks up bottle and thumbs it on his head<–because all this time, i slaved myself away in point to point programs while i could have been using this instead!

To the creators from Zbrush:
puts off his hat and bows down
i think you peeps should get an oscar for this progam…if there is such a thing for programmers:oFront.jpgBack.jpg

Yes, they have the “Scientific and Technical Awards”. :smiley:

They don’t hold this during the regular oscars, though.

Maybe, they’re afraid the TV viewers would be seeing people like…

this guy :smiley: :



Very well done!!!

However about 1000 members have more than 10 names.
2000 have more than 20.
To all 200 members, great job.

not monte wooley?