
MAXON termination date of license management functions for perpetual license customers?

Has MAXON shared the date they will terminate their online license management support for its perpetual license customers required to make license transfers to a new computer?
I’m saving to buy a new computer in a few years and would like to know if those required online functions will be available. I can’t afford the subscription fees for the newer Zbrush.

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I am wondering the same thing. I have the last version of the perpetual license and hope to use it as long as possible. Maxon needs to provide a very clear plan on how they plan on supporting this. As much as I love Zbrush, I will never being pay for a software subscription. Maxon could still offer a perpetual license and still make money. If they do offer one again, and allow free updates for the entire year of the license like all other platforms I pay for, I would purchase immediately!